Cell - 8 September 2016

(Amelia) #1
Resonances are characterized by a chemical shift and
couplings of individual spins. The intensity reects the
number of spins in a specic environment (i.e., C-H vs.
C-H 2 vs. CH 3 ). The chemical shifts, couplings, and
intensity provide information on the number and nature
of functional groups present and how they are linked and
are used to deduce the structure for small molecules.

1D spectrum
Spins exchange magnetization during the experiment via
couplings or relaxation controlled by the pulse sequence.
Exchange results in off-diagonal (cross) peaks, here
indicating pairs of coupled spins. Cross peaks are
characterized by two sets of chemical shifts and couplings,
providing information about which spins are coupled or
how close together they are, needed information for
analyzing structure or dynamics.

2D spectrum Spins excited by a pulse sequence can exchange
magnetization more than once during the experiment,
again controlled by the pulse sequence used. Peaks
are characterized by triples (or higher multiples) of
frequencies for spins that exchanged magnetization
during different parts of the experiment. Visualization
of data requires taking “slices” through the data to
identify groups of coupled spins, or a combination of
coupling and proximity.

3+ D spectrum

Interpretation of NMR data

Small compounds: Chemical shifts reect
the local chemical environment of the
nucleus, and coupling constants reect the
number and types of neighboring spins;
together they enable molecular structures to
be deduced. Mass information may be needed
when non-NMR active nuclei are present.

Biopolymers: For proteins and nucleic acids NMR is often used to
analyze folded conformations, binding interactions, and dynamics.
The rst stage of analysis is assigning resonances to specic atoms
in the molecules, done by systematic identication of cross peaks
(correlations) in multidimensional NMR data, often done using^13 C
and^15 N enrichment and correlations among H, C & N nuclei, e.g.,
HNCO, HNCA, HACACO. By comparing sets of coupled spins
linkages between neighboring residues can be identied.
Structure determination
Once many constraints have been determined for a molecule, they can be
used, together with all known features of the covalent structure (bond lengths
and angles determined with crystallography), in a molecular dynamics
optimization calculation. Treating constraints as pseudo-energy terms, and
introducing molecular dynamics to enable efcient sampling of conformations,
a set of structures with good geometry and agreement with constraints is
generated. The degree to which structures cluster is a measure of how well
the NMR data dene the structure and may vary in different parts of the
molecule. Segments that are not well dened, e.g., loops and termini, often
reect dynamic processes that can also be analyzed by NMR (see below).

Interaction site
NMR can map interaction sites, and hence binding
surfaces, using spectral changes upon binding.
Experiments for different kinetic ranges, as for
dynamics, are available.
(1) Ligand binding causes chemical shift changes of
nearby spins in the target. Weak ligands exchanging
rapidly can be followed in ligand titrations, and
mapped using assigned resonances of the free target.
A caveat is that binding-induced conformational
changes may cause shifts in the target away from
the site of direct interaction.

Dynamic analysis—rapid motions
If spin state populations are perturbed, or a coherent state of the spins is
created, the spins are not at equilibrium. Fluctuations in magnetic environment
from molecular tumbling and internal conformational motion couple spins to
their environment and allow them to return to their equilibrium state with time
constants T 1 and T 2 , respectively. Fast motions affect T 1 most, while slow
motions affect T 2. By measuring the relaxation times for spin pairs
(e.g.,^15 N-^1 H or^13 C-^1 H) the rates of molecular motion can be mapped. If
relaxation times are measured at several different magnetic elds, and/or for
different nuclei, then multiple motions affecting a spin pair can be analyzed.
For example, the rate and amplitude of rapid internal loop motion can be
determined in addition to the rate for overall tumbling of a molecule. Rapid is
functionally dened as faster than the overall tumbling, generally a timescale
of 10–50 ns for molecules studied by NMR.

Structural constraints:
Several different NMR experiments can provide information about
local and global structure of a biological molecule.
(1) Protons in close proximity (distances less than ca. 5Å) induce
transitions of neighboring spins—called the nuclear Overhauser
effect (NOE)—creating cross peaks in multidimensional spectra.
Cross peak intensities scale with the inverse sixth power of distance.
Using known distances as calibrations, unknown interproton
distances can be estimated and used as constraints for structural models.
(2) Through-bond coupling constants depend on the dihedral angles,
dened by three bonds. Coupling constant values can be mapped to
dihedral angles. Both 1-bond and 2-bond coupling values can also
be used to constrain structures.
(3) Most of the chemical shift for an individual spin is determined by
covalent structure. However, local structural features (e.g., secondary
structure in proteins) induce systematic shifts that can be interpreted
to dene local conformations.
(4) If molecules are weakly oriented in a sample, e.g., in a gel or liquid
crystal medium, then direct dipolar couplings (through space rather
than through bonds) are not averaged to zero as they are in isotropic
solution. For spin pairs with known bond lengths (e.g., N-H or C-H)
the RDC values provide a constraint on the angle of the bond vector
in a molecule xed axis system.

Dynamic analysis – slow motions
(1) Moderately slow motions (in the μs to ms range) affect
the T 2 relaxation but not T 1. With special pulse sequences,
the slow processes can be probed in detail and the rate of
exchange and the chemical shifts of the exchanging states
can be derived. Such conformational exchange can
correspond to functionally signicant motions around the
active sites of enzymes, for example.
(2) Conformers exchanging even more slowly give rise to
separate peaks. Exchange between them can be detected
as magnetization transfer between the resonances for the
same spin in the two states when the exchange rate is of
the order of the T 1 relaxation rate (~100 ms to 1 s timescale).
Multidimensional experiments can be used to correlate
shifts of spins in the different conformers.
(3) Rare (infrequent) events can be detected if something happens that changes the NMR
parameters during the event. An example is exchange of^2 H from solvent for^1 H on an amide
of a protein that requires opening of the structure (usually breaking hydrogen bonds). The
open state lives only a very short time, so populations of the open states are very low, but
the^1 H intensity reects the integrated probability that an exchange event occurred.

(2) NOEs can be detected between the ligand protons and nearby target protons.
Distinguishing these from other NOEs is best done by differential labeling, e.g., having 15
N-H or^13 C-H on the ligand but not on the target (or vice versa). The NOE spectra
can be “ltered” to select only the intermolecular NOEs, which identify the binding site.
(3) If the ligand carries a paramagnetic center, such as a metal or nitroxide, then the
position of that group relative to the target spins can be mapped by observing changes
in their relaxation rates (termed paramagentic relaxation enhancement, PRE). Such
relaxation effects may be quite strong, so even low populations of the complex (as
occur for weakly binding ligands) can be studied.




Mixing time θ Angle (degrees)


∝τ 6
1D NMR data are collected by applying a strong radio frequency pulse near the spins’
frequency to induce a coherent state of the spins and then measuring the transient
response. The Fourier transform of the response gives the normal absorption spectrum.
If more than one pulse is applied, then correlation information is generated.
Multidimensional Pulse-Fourier Transform NMR Spectroscopy
By varying delays between pulses, multidimensional data are generated. The resulting
peaks have frequencies in different dimensions reporting the spins involved in the the
correlations. Correlations can be created using either spin-spin couplings or mutual
relaxation through dipolar couplings, reecting proximity.
(^1) H
(^1) H
(^1) H
(^15) N
t 1 t 1
t 1 t 3
t 2
5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 t^2
D2 =^15 N
D1=^1 H
D3 =^1 H
5.0 4.0ppm
S CH 3
H 3 C H 3 C
8.0 7.0 6.0

SnapShot: Biomolecular NMR

David Wemmer
Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley CA, 94720, USA

See online version for
1600 Cell 166 , September 8, 2016 ©2016 Elsevier Inc. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2016.08.061 legend and references.

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