New Scientist - USA (2022-04-16)

(Maropa) #1
16 April 2022 | New Scientist | 27


The columnist
Why Chanda Prescod-
Weinstein is focusing
on dark matter p28

Incredible shots
of pufferfish, toxic
waste and more p30

Global catastrophes
also threaten to
destroy hope p32

A memoir about
finding love and the
science behind it p34

Culture columnist
Simon Ings on the
space-age animation
Apollo 10½ p36


HE study of dinosaurs
has made some amazing
strides in the past 20 years.
The discovery of numerous
fully feathered dinosaurs offers
incontrovertible evidence of
the evolution of birds from
their non-flying ancestors, for
instance. We also have fossils
that preserve ancient patterns
of these long-extinct animals.
Around 50 new dinosaur
species have been named every
year of the past two decades.
New studies have appeared on
dinosaur behaviour, ecology,
sex, physiology, brain structure,
hearing and many more features
besides. It is truly a treasure trove
of data, and new avenues of
research keep producing ever
more interesting and surprising
insights into these animals. And
yet, rather inevitably, the fossil
record is incredibly incomplete.
For all the progress that has
been made in two centuries of
studying dinosaurs, there are
still innumerable things that
we don’t know about them.
We may have some ideas about
the colours of a few dinosaurs,
but these are only a handful of
individuals that may not even
be that representative of their
species, let alone any others. We
have done detailed studies of how
Tyrannosaurus rex could stand,
walk, run and turn, but there is
nothing like this even for the other
30 species of tyrannosaurs, let
alone other groups. Those gaps
may at least be filled with new
MIfinds one day, but what about the




things we might never know?
Think about some of the
strangest animals out there,
those that are most unlike their
near relatives or are hold-outs
of some long-lost group. Giant
tortoises, marine iguanas and
flightless cormorants on the
Galapagos Islands; kiwis, kakapo
and tuatara in New Zealand; the
(now sadly extinct) rails of Hawaii;
lemurs and extinct elephant
birds on Madagascar; and so on.
What they have in common is
where they live – islands, usually
ones that are both volcanic and
a long way from any other land
masses, and they are often tropical

too. These are places where
isolated populations can cling
on and take interesting turns,
as small groups evolve under
unusual conditions. They are
often free from some of the
constraints that come from
the presence of competitors and
predators, which can allow them
to flourish where elsewhere they
have perished, or to diversify and
produce new and unusual forms.
The thing is, though, such
environments are terrible for
forming fossils. Small bits of land
are likely to have limited numbers
of large rivers and lakes with lots
of silt to bury animals. Tropical

environments have very high
rates of decay, so dead bodies often
don’t last long enough to be buried.
Volcanic islands can easily sink
into the sea and be at the mercy of
tectonic activities, and such places
are generally very unlikely to be
exposed on the surface where
palaeontologists can pick at
them 100 million years later.
In short, however bizarre we
consider dinosaurs to be now,
they almost certainly produced
far more interesting and unusual
animals on all manner of islands
in the Mesozoic Era (around
252 million to 66 million years
ago), but it is incredibly unlikely
that we will ever find them.
Either the fossils never formed or
those islands have been destroyed
and are now inaccessible.
Our knowledge of the evolution
of animals on islands is enough
to give us confidence that strange
dinosaurs appeared in these
places, though similarly, our
understanding of the processes
of fossilisation tells us that we are
unlikely to access the fossils in
the future, however much we dig.
We have learned so much
about dinosaurs, and there
is still so much more to come.
But there are fascinating gaps
we might never fill, with only
tantalising hints about these
wondrous ancient creatures.  ❚

Mysterious beasts

Despite two centuries of incredible discoveries, there are some
things we will never know about dinosaurs, says David Hone

David Hone is the
author of The Future
of Dinosaurs (Hodder
& Stoughton)
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