
(lily) #1

In a cross between true-breeding red-flowered (RR) and
true breeding white-flowered plants (rr), the F 1 (Rr) was
pink. When the F 1 was self-pollinated the F 2 resulted in
the following ratio 1 (RR) Red: 2 (Rr) Pink: 1 (rr) White.
Genotypic ratio was similar to Mendelian monohybrid cross
and phenotypic ratio changed from 3 : 1 to 1 : 2 : 1. R was
not completely dominant over r and this made it possible to
distinguish Rr (pink) from RR (red) and rr (white).

  1. Reasons for selecting pea plant are: (i) Pure varieties of pea
    were available. (ii) Pea plants showed a number of easily
    detectable contrasting characters. (iii) The plant is self
    pollinated, but it can be cross bred manually. (iv) F 1 hybrids
    are fertile.

Coelacanth is considered to be the missing link between
fishes and the first four-limbed animals (amphibians). These
were the ancestors of modern day frogs and salamanders.

  1. RNA was regarded as the first genetic material as the
    essential life processes, such as metabolism, translation,
    splicing, etc. evolved around RNA. RNA acted as catalyst, but
    being a catalyst, it was reactive and highly unstable. DNA
    evolved from RNA with chemical modifications and is more
    stable. DNA being double stranded with complementary
    strands is not only more stable but also resists changes as it
    has evolved a process of repair. RNA was replaced by protein
    enzymes for bicatalysis which was more stable and efficient.

  2. There are three types of natural selection which play an
    important role in evolution. These are:
    (i) Stabilising selection : It is balancing selection, which
    favours average sized individuals and eliminates small
    sized individuals.
    (ii) Directional selection : It is a progressive selection in
    which population changes towards one particular
    (iii) Disruptive selection : It is diversifying selection that

favours both small-sized and large-sized individuals. It
eliminates member with mean expression.

  1. Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty worked
    to determine the biochemical nature of ‘transforming
    principle’ in Griffith's experiment. They purified biochemicals
    (proteins, DNA, RNA, etc.) from the heat-killed S cells to see
    which ones could transform live R cells into S cells. They
    discovered that DNA alone from S bacteria caused R bacteria
    to become transformed. They also discovered that protein-
    digesting enzymes (proteases) and RNA-digesting enzymes
    (RNases) did not affect transformation, so the transforming
    substance was not a protein or RNA. Digestion with DNase
    did inhibit transformation, suggesting that the DNA caused
    the transformation and thus, they concluded that DNA is
    the hereditary material.

  2. Thalassemia is an autosomal recessive blood disorder,
    transmitted to the offspring, when both the parents are
    heterozygous, i.e., carrier of the disease. The defect arises
    either due to mutation or deletion of genes controlling
    synthesis of one of the globin chains of haemoglobin.
    Imbalanced synthesis of globin chains of haemoglobin
    causes anaemia.
    Depending on the globin chain affected, thalassemia is of
    3 types: alpha (α) thalassemia, beta (β) thalassemia and
    delta (δ) thalassemia.

  3. Semi-conservative replication of DNA was explained by
    experiment of Messelson and Stahl. They grew E.coli in a
    medium containing^15 NH 4 Cl as the only nitrogen source for
    many generations. The result was that^15 N was incorporated
    into newly synthesised DNA. Then they transferred the cells
    into a medium with normal^14 NH 4 Cl and took samples at
    various defined time intervals as the cells multiplied, and
    extracted the DNA that remained as double-stranded
    helices. The various samples were separated independently
    on CsCl gradient to measure the densities of DNA. The
    DNA that was extracted from the culture one generation
    after the transfer from^15 N to^14 N medium had a hybrid or
    intermediate density. DNA extracted from the culture after
    another generation was composed of equal amounts of this
    hybrid DNA and of ‘light’ DNA. The experiment proved that
    DNA replicates semi-conservatively.

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