
(lily) #1

  1. Which of the following age pyramids show population with
    almost equal number of pre-reproductive and reproductive
    individuals and lesser individuals of old age group?
    (a) (b)

(c) (d)

  1. Organism living in subtropical and arctic zones respectively
    (a) megatherms and microtherms
    (b) hekistotherms and mesotherms
    (c) mesotherms and microtherms
    (d) mesotherms and hekistotherms.

  2. Cardiac glycosides are produced by
    (a) Calotropis (b) Acacia
    (c) Nepenthes (d) Utricularia

  3. Fleshy stem of Opuntia for storing water is
    (a) chylocauly (b) chylophylly
    (c) phylloclades (d) chylorhizy.

  4. Stratification is the characteristic feature of
    (a) tropical rain forest
    (b) grassland
    (c) temperate deciduous forest
    (d) coniferous forest.

  5. Which biome has permafrost conditions?
    (a) Chapparal
    (b) Savanna
    (c) Temperate needle leaf
    (d) Tundra

  6. A specific place in an ecosystem, where an organism lives
    and performs its functions is
    (a) habitat (b) niche
    (c) landscape (d) biome.

  7. Read the following statements and fill blanks with correct
    (i) Hydathodes for excreting excess water in guttation
    are present in .
    (ii) Eichhornia possess
    (iii) Chalk glands are present in _____.
    (i) (ii) (iii)
    (a) mesophytes pneumatophores halophytes
    (b) hygrophytes aerenchyma halophytes
    (c) halophytes phraetophytes mangroves
    (d) mesophytes aerenchyma xerophytes

  8. Which of the given statements are correct for sigmoid
    growth form?
    (i) Population crashes due to mass mortality.
    (ii) It occurs when resources are limited.
    (iii) Population grows beyond carrying capacity.
    (iv) It has four phases - lag, log, deceleration and steady.
    (a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv)
    (c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iii)
    13. Which among the following represents amensalism
    (a) Malarial parasite living in human RBCs.
    (b) Penicillium inhibiting growth of Staphylococcus
    (c) Entamoeba living in contact with host throughout
    the life.
    (d) Crocodile bird, helping crocodile to get rid of leeches
    by entering the crocodile’s mouth.
    14. Humus rich soil is
    (a) loam soil (b) sandy soil
    (c) clay soil (d) both (a) and (b).
    15. Identify the correct sequence of ecological hierarchy starting
    from lower to higher level.
    (a) Population → Biotic community → Biome →
    (b) Landscape → Ecosystem → Biome → Biosphere
    (c) Individual → Population → Landscape →
    (d) Biological community → Ecosystem → Landscape
    → Biome
    16. Adaptations of parasite include
    (i) Presence of adhesive organs.
    (ii) Well developed reproductive organs.
    (iii) Presence of complicated digestive system.
    (iv) Loss of unnecessary organs.
    (a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iv)
    (c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iii)
    17. Match the following.
    Column I Column II
    (i) Ostrich p. Restricted to narrow range
    of salinity.
    (ii) Shark q. Organism live within
    narrow range of
    (iii) Salmon r. Can tolerate wide range of
    salt concentration.
    (iv) Polar bear s. Keep body temperature
    constant despite variations
    in ambient temperature.
    (a) (i)-s, (ii)-p, (iii)-r, (iv)-q (b) (i)-p, (ii)-r, (iii)-s, (iv)-q
    (c) (i)-r, (ii)-s, (iii)-q, (iv)-p (d) (i)-q, (ii)-p, (iii)-s, (iv)-r
    18. Identify the correctly matched pair.
    (a) Anadromous - Migration of Eel from freshwater
    migration to sea for spawning.
    (b) Mullerian - Resemblance of Monarch and
    mimicry Queen butterfly, both
    (c) Diapause - Desert lizards moving to
    burrows in soil to escape heat.
    (d) Cold hardening - Polar bears develops
    glycerol to lower freezing
    point of body fluids.

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