
(lily) #1

  1. Who is known as the ‘Father of Medicine’?
    (a) Ivanowsky (b) Hippocrates
    (c) Einthoven (d) Alick Isaacs

  2. Coelacanth fish is considered as a connecting link between
    (a) fish and amphibians
    (b) cartilaginous fish and bony fishes
    (c) non chordates and chordates
    (d) cyclostomes and cartilaginous fish.

  3. The chemical formula C 15 H 15 N 2 CON(C 2 H 5 ) 2 is of
    (a) Mescaline
    (b) Psilocybine
    (c) Lysergic acid diethylamide
    (d) Caffeine.

  4. Fill the blank spaces in the table given below by selecting
    the correct option.

Genus Epochs Cranial

(i) Australopithecus A 450cc
(ii) B Pleistocene 800-1100cc
(iii) Homo neander-

Pleistocene C

(iv) Homo sapiens

D 1650 cc

(a) A-Miocene, B-Homo habilis, C-450 cc, D-Holocene
(b) A-Pliocene, B-Homo erectus, C-1300-1600cc, D-Holocene
(c) A-Holocene, B-Homo sapiens, C-700cc, D-Miocene
(d) A-Pleistocene, B-Homo habilis, C-1650cc, D-Miocene

  1. Which of the following statements is correct with respect to
    (a) Life cycle of E. histolytica is completed in two hosts.
    (b) E. histolytica lives in the large intestine of humans.
    (c) Its incubation period is seven days.
    (d) Symptoms of amoebiasis are restlessness, headache,
    muscular pain, etc.

  2. Which among the following is not the correct example of
    analogous organs?
    (a) Pectoral fins of sharks and flippers of dolphins
    (b) Eye of octopus and eye of cat
    (c) Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendril of Cucurbita
    (d) Wings of an insect and wings of a bird

  3. Select the correct match regarding scientists and vaccines
    discovered by them.
    Vaccine Scientists
    (a) Cholera vaccine - Louis Pasteur
    (b) Hepatitis B - Robert Koch
    (c) Yellow Fever - Edward Jenner
    (d) Rabies - Jonas Salk
    16. Human appendix and the wings of the ostrich represent the
    organs which
    (a) have same anatomy but different functions
    (b) have different anatomy but same functions
    (c) are present in reduced form but do and perform any
    (d) have disappeared generations ago.
    17. Which of the following is a correct pair of bacterial diseases
    of humans?
    (a) Gonorrhoea and anthrax
    (b) Shigellosis and influenza
    (c) Varicella and anthrax
    (d) Rubeola and shigellosis
    18. Match column I with column II. (There can be more than
    one match for items in column I).
    Column I Column II
    P. Prosimians (i) Rise of herbs
    Q. Holocene (ii) Lemurs
    R. Holarctic region (iii) Palearctic realm
    S. J.B. Lamarck (iv) Annelida
    T. Gene recombination (v) Dual parentage
    (vi) Invertebrates
    (vii) Crossing over during
    (viii) Nearctic realm
    (ix) Tarsiers
    (x) Decline of woody plants
    (a) P-(ii), (ix); Q-(i), (x); R-(iii), (viii); S-(iv), (vi); T-(v), (vii)
    (b) P-(i), (ix); Q-(iii), (viii); R-(iv), (vi); S-(v), (vii); T-(ii), (iii)
    (c) P-(v), (vii); Q-(iv), (vi); R-(iii), (x); S-(i), (viii); T-(ii), (ix)
    (d) P-(i), (ii); Q-(iii), (iv); R-(v), (vi); S-(vii), (viii); T-(ix), (x)
    19. Read the following statements regarding B-lymphocytes
    and select the incorrect statements.
    I. They arise from bone marrow in humans and bursa of
    fabricus in fowl.
    II. These cells form cell mediated immune response.
    III. These are formed by the division of plasma cells.
    IV. They defend against pathogens including protists and
    fungi that enter the cell.
    (a) I and II (b) II and IV
    (c) III and IV (d) I, III and IV
    20. Select the incorrect match.
    (a) Carboniferous period - Age of amphibians
    (b) Quaternary period - Age of herbs
    (c) Silurian period - Origin of vascular plants
    (d) Cambrian period - Age of gymnosperms
    21. Read the following statements and select the correct
    (i) Allergy is the hyposensitiveness of a person to some
    foreign particles entering into the body.

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