
(lily) #1

  1. Select the correct option to fill up the blanks.

(i) ______ is used to cure Tinea pedis.
(ii) Nicotine stimulates the release of ______ leading to
high blood pressure and heart beat rate.
(iii) ______ is the malignant growth of tissues derived
from mesoderm.
(iv) A kind of rheumatoid arthritis that occurs in younger
people is known as ______.
(a) (i)-Cyclosporin, (ii)-Aldosterone, (iii)-Carcinoma, (iv)-Koch’s
(b) (i)-Streptomycin, (ii)-Adrenaline, (iii)-Sarcoma, (iv)-Still’s
(c) (i)-Tolnaftate, (ii)-Adrenaline, (iii)-Sarcoma, (iv)-Still’s
(d) (i)-Cyclosporin, (ii)-Aldosterone, (iii)-Sarcoma, (iv)-Koch’s

  1. Match column I with column II and select the correct
    Column I Column II
    (i) Allen’s Law w. Animals have the tendency
    to increase in size during
    long course of evolution.
    (ii) Cope’s Law x. Animals that live in very
    cold climates have
    smaller ear, tail etc.
    (iii) Dollo’s Law y. Two species having same
    ecological requirements
    cannot continue to occupy
    same habitat.
    (iv) Gause’s Law z. Evolution is irreversible.
    (a) (i)-z, (ii)-y, (iii)-w, (iv)-x (b) (i)-x, (ii)-w, (iii)-z, (iv)-y
    (c) (i)-y, (ii)-z, (iii)-w, (iv)-x (d) (i)-z, (ii)-x, (iii)-y, (iv)-w

  2. Identify the correct sequence of the life cycle of
    (a) Sporozoites (human) → RBCs → liver cells →
    gametocytes in blood → blood meal, bite (female
    mosquito) → multiply (mosquito) → sporozoites
    (b) Sporozoites (human) → liver cells → RBCs →
    gametocytes in blood → blood meal, bite (female
    mosquito) → multiply (mosquito) → sporozoites
    (c) Gametocytes (mosquito) → bite → gametocytes
    (human) → RBCs → multiply → sporozoites blood
    meal (human) → bite → sporozoites (female mosquito)
    → multiply (mosquito) → gametocytes (mosquito)

(d) Sporozoites (human) → liver cells → gametocytes
in blood → blood meal, bite (female mosquito) →
multiply (mosquito) → sporozoites (mosquito)

  1. Select the correct match from the following.
    (a) Peking Man - Sinanthropus
    (b) Cro-Magnon Man - Ramapithecus
    (c) Java Ape Man - Australopithecus
    (d) First Ape Man - Pithecanthropus

  2. Which of the following represents the chemical formula of




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