Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1

170 Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan

as was previously common and customary. This continued semi-dependence
on family of origin means that maturational losses related to moving into
independence are postponed and yet the emerging adult has legal and other
responsibilities of adulthood. This betwixt and between life stage can mean
that emerging adults may mourn their dependence as well as their indepen-
dence. Their strong sense of a “Just World” or a belief that one can control the
events in one’s life may interfere with processing illness or grief until those
illusions have been addressed. Meanwhile, when emerging adults die, the
nascent achievements and flourishing hopes and dreams for their adulthood
die with them. Work with this age group seems to mirror typical approaches
to adults (talk therapy) but is enhanced by adding some of the activities and
props (pictures) that help with teens and other younger populations.

Discussion Questions

  1. How does the economic environment both positively and negatively impact
    the stage of emerging adulthood?

  2. Why might emerging adults have greater susceptibility to the problems of
    cumulative losses?

  3. What are the pros and cons of moving through emerging adulthood more
    rapidly and establishing work, financial independence, intimate partner,
    and family, before the age of 25?

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