Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1
Index 343

influence of, on mourning, 39–40
parental death and, 148
perinatal, 40
practices, 21
cumulative loss/grief, 6–7, 263, 268

death. See also loss
of adolescent, 123–125
adolescent experience of, 116–120
of adult child, 207–208, 267–268
anxiety, 262
bereavement and, 3–4
cafes, 274
of caregiver, 63–65, 158
of child, 68, 96–99, 186–190
children’s understanding of, 62,
63, 65, 87
of cousin, 210, 218–222
death with dignity laws, 276–277
developing viewpoint about, 261–262
of emerging adult, 151–152
emerging adult’s view of, 146
end-of-life issues, 274–277
of friend, 120, 131–136, 149–150,
181, 269
of life partner, 174–178, 184, 214,
215–216, 267
of parent, 89–90, 117–119, 146–148,
173–174, 206–207
of pet, 91
of sibling, 90–91, 118–119, 208–209
of spouse, 174–178, 181, 213–214,
decathexis, 9, 10, 17
dementia, 271
denial, 11–12
depression, 10, 14, 290
economic pressures and, 152–153
maternal/parental, 66–67, 74–77, 185
in middle adulthood, 205
postpartum, 35, 76
during pregnancy, 31–32, 34, 38-39
despair, 13
developmental disabilities, 98, 136–140
developmental crises/stages
autonomy versus shame, 60
generativity versus stagnation, 204, 205
identity development versus identity
confusion, 112, 114, 115, 145
industry versus inferiority, 83–84
initiative versus guilt, 83–84
integrity versus despair, 260, 261
intimacy versus isolation, 172
trust versus mistrust, 60

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth
Edition (DSM-5), 10, 290–291
difference in sex development (DSD),
disenfranchised grief, 3, 7, 21–22
following negative childbirth
experience, 47–56
maturational losses and, 291–293
disorganization, 13, 18
child death and, 98
in middle adulthood, 212–213, 227–230
parental, 92–93, 151, 178–179
in young adulthood, 185
Doka,K. J., 21. See also disenfranchised
“dosing” grief, 152
double grief, 41
double jeopardy, 117, 126, 140
downsizing, 240–241
dreams, letting go of, 217–218
dual process model, 17–19, 87, 89, 94,
140, 152, 175, 234, 265, 293–294, 297

early puberty, 113–114
economic viability, loss of, 152–153,
211–212, 242
egalitarianism, 25
ego, 9, 114
elderly. See older adults
elementary school-aged children.
See school-aged children
Elizabeth, 51–56
emerging adults, 143–170
biological development, 144
chronic/life-threatening illness in,
death of, 151–152
developmental stage, 144, 157
economic viability loss, 152–153
friend/lover death, 149–150
grief, resilience, and healing by, 156–160
interventions with, 155–156
losses experienced by, 146–151, 156–160
maturational losses, 145
nondeath losses, 150–151
parental death, 146–148
psychological development, 144–145
relationship loss, 153–154
social development, 145
substance use disorders, 154–155
typical and maturational losses,
vs. young adulthood, 172
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