344 Index
emotions. See also specific emotions
self-regulation of, 63
emotion work, 32–33
feeling rules, 7
employment loss/transition, 171,
182–183, 211–212, 231–233, 292
empty nest syndrome, 216–217
end-of-life issues, 274–277
endorphins, 35
ephedrine, 5
Erikson, E., 60, 84, 87, 114, 153
ethnicity, prenatal attachment and, 40
executive functions, 85
Falk, D., 103–108
family home, loss of, 217
fatherhood, 70–74
fear, 6
feeling rules, 7
fertility rates, over age 30, 183
fetal anomalies, 41, 43–44
attachment to, 28, 31, 33, 36–38, 40
development of, 29, 30, 33–34
loss as experienced by, 34–35
loss of, 35–41
symbolic nature of, 30
fibromyalgia, 211
financial resources, loss of, 242
Findley, P. A., 281–286
first-time dads, 70–74
Five Vs, 45–47
formerly hidden children (FHC), 297
Foucault, M., 16
Frankl, V., 19
Freud, S., 8–9, 11, 61
friend death
of adolescents, 120, 131–136
of emerging adults, 149–150
in military, 181
of older adults, 269
friends, changes in relationships with, 245
functions of, 40
religious, 7
future, uncertainty about, 14
gay men, 177, 185–186, 216, 267
gay teens, 115–116, 121, 126
gender differences, 115, 178–179
in divorce, 213
gender roles, 126
male emerging adults’ grief, 149
generativity versus stagnation, 204, 205
genetics/genomics, 4–5, 85
Gillin, B., 190–196
Goldstein M. K., 250–253
adolescent death and, 124–125
child death and, 99
as custodial caregivers, 273
death of, 119–120
fetal loss and, 41
Greif, G. L., 70–74
accompanying bereaved in, 290–291
in adolescents, 116–117
ambiguous, 7, 22–23
biological effects of, 3–5
in children, 89, 94–96
chronic, 22–23
complicated, 4–5, 98, 151–152, 290–291
continuing bonds and, 20–21
coping with, 2
cumulative, 6–7
disenfranchised, 3, 7, 21–22, 47–56,
double, 41
in emerging adulthood, 157–159
intervention issues, 23–25
meaning-making and, 19–20
nonfinite (chronic), 22–23
perinatal, 35–41
policing of, 16, 25–26
processes, 157–159
prolonged, 290–291
psychological effects of, 6–7
social aspects of, 7–8
stages of, 11–16
time and, 6, 10
trauma and, 296–297
grief counseling, 16, 297–298
Grief Speaks, 120
grief theory
classical, 8–16
dual process model, 17–19
postmodern, 16–23
staged-based theories, 11–16
task-based theories, 8–11
grief therapy, meaning-making and, 19
grief work, 25–26
grief work hypothesis, 15–16, 25–26
group treatment, online, 7
loss and, 1–2
meaning-making and, 295–296
initiative versus, 83–84