Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1
Index 345

over accidental deaths, 68
parental, over child’s death, 98

Haskell, J., 253–255
impact of grief on, 3–5
loss of own, 67, 122
health care providers, relationship with, 50
hereditary breast and ovarian cancer,
hidden losses, 297–298
HIV transmission, perinatal, 100–103
holding environment, 297
homicide, 131–136
Hoskins, L. M., 160–164
hospice care, 274–276
hospice social workers, 277–281
human chorionic gonadotropin
(HCG), 28
hypervigilance, 6
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
axis, 5, 85

idealized child, loss of, 68–69, 72, 98
identity development versus identity
confusion, 112, 114, 115, 145
identity loss, 121
identity transformation
in adolescents, 125–126
in midlife, 217–218
in retirement, 238–241
immigrant children, 103–108
immune system, 4, 5
independence, 125
industry versus inferiority, 83–84
anxiety in, 75–76
attachment, 74, 78
biological development, 60–61
death of, 68
with developmental delays, 68–69
developmental stage, 60
life-threatening illness in, 67
losses experienced by, 63–65
maternal depression and, 74–77
medically compromised, 44–45,
69, 78–82
mental health of, 77–78
nondeath losses, 66–67
premature, 44–45
psychological development,
social development, 62–63

typical and maturational
losses, 69–70
withdrawal, 75
infertility, 42, 183–184
inflammatory response, 5
initiative versus guilt, 83–84
insecure attachment, 14
integrity versus despair, 260, 261
International Classification of Diseases 11
(ICD-11), 291
Internet, 176
intersex conditions, 127–131
intervention issues, 23–25
adolescents, 122–123
emerging adults, 155–156
middle adults, 218
older adults, 273–277
school-aged children, 94–96
intimacy versus isolation, 172
intimate partner violence (IPV), 99–100,
intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)
biological changes associated with,
psychological aspects, 36–39
social aspects, 39–41
IPV. See intimate partner
violence (IPV)
irritation, 12
IUFD. See intrauterine fetal
death (IUFD)

Jean, 222–227
job loss, 171, 182–183, 211–212,
231–233, 292
Johnson, C. M., 131–136
just world, 146, 150, 170

Kabat-Zinn, J., 24, 25
KORU mindfulness training, 155–156
Kübler-Ross, E., 11–13, 14, 17
Kudeva, R., 47–51
Kudu, 231–233

language development, 62–63, 88
Learn to BREATHE program, 123
learning disabilities, 86–87
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer
(LGBTQ) teens, 115–116, 121, 126
lesbian partners, 177–178, 185, 214,
215–216, 267
life expectancy, 236
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