346 Index
life partner, death of, 174–178, 213–214,
life review (LR), 261
life-threatening illness
in adolescents, 122
in children, 67
in emerging adulthood, 150–151
in middle adulthood, 210–211
in older adulthood, 270–271
in parents, 95
in young adulthood, 180
Lindemann, E., 9–10
living wills, 276
Lloyd, M., 23–24
loss. See also death
ambiguous, 7, 22–23, 93, 99
anger and, 154
of caregiving, 66–67
of economic viability, 152–153
experienced by fetus, 34–35
experienced by school-age children,
of fetus, 35–41
growth and, 1–2
of home, 217, 228, 271–272
of idealized child, 68–69, 72, 98
job, 171, 182–183, 211–212, 231–233
of love, 153–154, 294
maturational, 2–3, 66–67, 69–70, 145,
216–218, 243–246
off-time, 2
original, 69
processing, and developmental
stages, 6
recognition of, 3
relationship, 121–122, 153–154
routine, 241
secondary, 6, 88
typical, 2
loss orientation (LO), 18, 293
love, loss of, 153–154, 294
lover, death of, 149–150
major depressive disorder (MDD),
10, 290
marital changes, in retirement, 243–244
marital quality, parenthood and,
184–185, 292
Marshall, B., 207
maternal depression, 66–67, 74–77, 185
maturational losses, 2–3, 236
in adolescence, 125–126
as disenfranchised losses, 291–293
in early childhood, 69–70, 82
in emerging adulthood, 145, 152–155
loss of being a child, 94
loss of caregiving, 66–67
in middle adulthood, 216–218
in older adulthood, 271–273
in retirement, 243–246
in young adulthood, 182–186
meaning-making, 19–20, 218, 233–234,
258, 270
child’s death and, 97–98
as growth process, 295–296
by older adults, 270
by widows/widowers, 264–265
meaning of miscarriage model, 40
medically complicated pregnancies, 43
medications, for perinatal
bereavement, 45
meditation, 273–274
Megan’s Law, 68
melancholia, 9
memorialization, of child, 97
bereavement in, 149
divorced, 213
gay, 177, 185–186, 216, 267
menarche, 113
menopause, 204
mental health, infant, 77–78
Michael, C., 164–169
middle adulthood, 203–234
aging parents and, 206
biological development, 204–205
chronic/life-threatening illness in,
cousin death in, 210, 218–222
death of adult child in, 207–208
developmental crisis, 204
divorce in, 212–213, 227–230
employment loss/transition, 211–212,
empty nest syndrome in, 216–217
intervention in, 218
losses experienced in, 206–213
nondeath losses, 210–213
other’s experience of loss in, 213–216
parental death in, 206–207
psychological development, 205
sibling death, 208–209
social development, 206
spousal death, 213–214, 222–227
typical and maturational losses,
midlife crisis, 205
military deployment, 64, 93, 179
military service, 179–180