Index 347
military spouse, 181
military veterans, 93, 179–181
end-of-life issues, 281–286
suicide by, 270
Miller, W. P., 248–250
mind-body connection, 4
mindfulness, 4, 5, 24–25, 51, 96, 123,
155–156, 273–274
miscarriage, 35–41, 292
awareness of, 214
bereavement and, 3–4
confronting own, 209, 237
perspective on own, 261–262
mother. See also parents
death of, 148, 174
maternal depression, 66–67, 74–77, 185
motherhood, 48, 173
Freud on, 9
infertility and, 184
influence of culture on, 39–40
rituals, 7
Muscarella, R., 186–190
music, 123
mutual help organizations (MHOs),
117, 155
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 155
narrative, 17, 50, 174, 199
naturally occurring retirement
communities (NORCs)/ aging in
place, 262–263
Neimeyer, R., 19
neonatal intensive care units (NICUs),
44, 45, 91
neonates, 44–45
neuroplasticity, 204
neurobiology, 5, 60, 67, 84-5, 112–-113,
144, 172, 261
newborns, 60–61. See also infants
New Senior Woman, 263–264
Nguyen, H., 103–108
nonfinite (chronic) grief, 22–23
nonmarried partner, death of, 177–178,
numbness, 13
nursing home residents, 272
off-time losses, 2, 147, 173, 175–178, 200
older adults, 259–287. See also
biological development, 260–261
chronic/life-threatening illness in, 270–271
death of adult child, 267–268
developmental crisis, 260
end-of-life issues, 274–277
friend death, 269
home loss/relocation, 271–272
interventions with, 273–277
losses experienced by, 264–273
nondeath losses, 270–271
partner loss, 264–267
positive aging, 263–264
psychological development, 261–262
resilience by, 269
social development, 262–263
suicide among, 269–270
typical and maturational losses,
veterans, 281–286
viewpoint about death of, 261–262
online support groups, 176
Open to Hope, 176
original loss, 69
ovarian cancer, 160–164
palliative care, 274–276
parenthood, 173
losses connected with transition to,
184–186, 292
adolescent’s loss of, 117–119
aging, 206, 247
child leaving home loss, 216–217
children’s loss of, 63–65, 89–90, 95
death of, 89–90, 117–119, 146–148,
173–174, 206–207
depression in, 66–67, 74–77, 185
divorce of, 92–93, 178–179
emerging adult’s loss of, 146–148
first-time dads, 70–74
gay and lesbian, 185–186
life-threatening illness in, 95
loss of adolescent by, 123–124
loss of adult child by, 207–208, 267–268
loss of both, 207
loss of child by, 96–99, 186–190
loss of emerging adult child by, 151–152
loss of idealized child by, 68–69
loss of infant or young child by, 68
loss of young adult child by, 182
midlife adult’s loss of, 206–207
military deployment of, 93
parental separations, 64
suicide of, 164–169
young adult’s loss of, 173–174