Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1

348 Index

patients’ rights, 276–277
pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), 91
peer relationships, 115, 121–122
peer support groups, 23
perinatal attachment and loss, 27–57, 294
disenfranchised grief, 47–56
fetal experience, 34–35
fetal loss, 35–41
intervention, 45–47
types of, 41–45
Perinatal Grief Scale, 35
perinatal HIV transmission, 100–103
perinatal stroke, 78–82
pet loss, 2, 91
physical changes, during pregnancy,
physician aid in dying (PAD), 276
Piaget, J., 62, 87, 114
play, 85–86
policing grief, 2, 16
Positive Aging movement, 263–264
postmodern grief theory, 16–23
postpartum depression, 76
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
123, 179–180, 181, 270, 296–297
posttraumatic growth, 90
poverty, 86
prefrontal cortex, 5, 85, 112, 144
biological developmental context,
developmental aspects of, 28–34
developmental tasks and
milestones, 48
fetal loss during, 35–41
medically complicated, 43
psychological aspects of, 30–32
social aspects of, 32–33
teen, 113
termination for fetal anomaly, 41, 43–44
premature infants, 44–45
prenatal development, 33–34
prenatal diagnosis, 43–44
preoperational stage, 62
preschool children
biological development, 61
death of, 68
developmental stage, 60
life-threatening illness in, 67
losses experienced by, 63–65
nondeath losses by, 66–67
psychological development, 61–62
social development, 62–63
typical and maturational losses by,

presenteeism, 99
professional identity, 236–237,
progesterone, 28, 29
Project Dawn Court (PDC), 196–200
prolactin, 29, 35
prolonged grief, 290–291
prolonged grief disorder (PGD), 296
prostitution, 196–200, 294
psychic pain, 6
psycho-education, 50
psychological aspects, of pregnancy,
psychological effects of grief, 6–7
PTSD. See posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD)
puberty, 113–114
purpose (having, finding, making), 207,
210, 218, 237, 258, 260, 264

quarter life crisis, 145, 153
quickening, during pregnancy, 29

race, prenatal attachment and, 40
Rando, T., 6, 14–15, 151, 188, 278
Raphael-Leff, J., 30–31
recathexis, 9, 10
re-grief therapy, 12
relationship changes, in retirement,
relationship loss, 121–122, 292, 294,
in adolescents, 121–122
in emerging adulthood, 153–154
re-learning the world, 8, 19
religion, 7, 63, 65, 118, 146, 159, 223, 233.
See also spirituality
faith consciousness, 119
relocation, 217, 271–272
reorganization, 18
replacement child concept, 39
residential care facility, 136–140
resilience, 64, 74, 93, 104, 159–160, 192,
267, 269, 287, 289, 297
responsibility, 125
restoration orientation (RO), 18,
266–267, 293
retirement/reinvention, 235–258, 294–295
community and, 245–246
coping with transition process, 246
experiences of, 248–257
financial losses in, 242
friends in, 245
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