Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1
Index 349

identity transformation in,
losses experienced in, 238–246
marital changes in, 243–244
other’s experience of loss in, 247
pathways in, 237–238
reflections on, 250–253
routine, loss of, 241
transition to, 236–237
typical and maturational losses,
reworking, of loss, 6, 65
risk-taking behavior, 113
ritual, 7, 20, 21, 22, 24, 40, 41, 57, 63, 95,
97, 174, 175, 178, 184, 218, 268, 280
routine, loss of, 241
rumination, 5, 6, 18

safe holding environment, 297
same-sex partner, death of, 177–178,
215–216, 267
Schlossberg, N., 236–237, 239, 240, 241,
246, 247
school-aged children, 83–109
academic impact after loss, 90
biological development, 84–86
death of parent, 89–90
death of sibling, 90–91
developmental stage, 83–84
immigrant, 103–108
intervention issues, 94–96
loss experienced by, 88–94
loss of being a child, 94
loss of custody, 99–100
of military parents, 93
parental divorce, 92–93
parental loss of, 96–99
pet loss, 91
psychological development, 86–87
sexual abuse, 91–92
social development, 87–88
secondary losses, 6, 88
secretory immunoglobulin A (S-IgA), 4
self-care, 16
self-esteem/identity loss, 121
sensory-motor intelligence, 62
separation anxiety, 13
sexual abuse, 91–92
sexuality, 126
sex work, 196–200, 294
Shdaimah, C., 196–200
Shapiro, J., 74–78
Shear, M. K., 266–267

birth of, 70
death of, 90–91, 118–119, 208–209
experience of young adult’s death
by, 182
fetal loss and, 40–41
SIFT, 25
six “R” processes, 14
impact of pregnancy on, 29
infants, 60–61
Smith, C., 227–231
social aspects
of fetal death, 39–41
of grief, 7–8
of pregnancy, 32–33
social constructionism, 16–17
socialization process, 63
social media, 7, 33, 53, 97, 120, 153–154,
176, 208
social roles, 115
Social Security, 236, 242
spirituality, 159, 205, 207, 243
spousal death
in middle adulthood, 213–214, 222–227
in older adulthood, 264–267
in young adulthood, 174–178, 181
stage-based grief theories, 11–16
stagnation, 205
stillbirth, 35, 36, 38–39
brain chemistry and, 5
health impacts of, 4
during pregnancy, 31–32
Strong Families model, 93
substance use disorders, 154–155
sudden death, 120, 123–124, 132–133, 151,
216, 222–227
Sudden Temporary Upsurge of Grief
(STUG), 6, 148
suicidal ideation, 118, 121, 151, 270
suicide, 124, 148, 149–150
of adult child, 208
among older adults, 269–270
in military, 181
of parent, 164–169
by veterans, 270
support groups, 23, 109,117, 215, 226,
227, 234
sympathy biography, 7

task-based grief theories, 8–11
technology, 7, 33, 97, 176, 208
assisted reproductive technologies
(ART), 42–43
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