Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan, Second Edition

(Michael S) #1

350 Index

teenagers. See adolescents
temperament, 62
terminal illness. See life-threatening
termination for fetal anomaly (TFA), 41,
cautions for, 298–299
efficacy of, 297–298
intervention by, 23–25
self-care for, 298–299
mindfulness, 51
music, 123
narrative, 17, 50
abstract, 114, 118
magical, 65, 87
children’s sense of, 64
grief and, 6, 10
death of child in, 68
developmental stage, 60
life-threatening illness in, 67
losses experienced in, 63–65
nondeath losses in, 66–67
psychological development, 61–62
social development, 62–63
typical and maturational losses in, 69–70
transitional objects, 61
Transition Network, 263
traumatic events
in childhood, 85
grief and, 296–297
as violation of assumptive world, 8
trisomy conditions, 44
trust versus mistrust, 60
tweens. See adolescents
12-step programs, 155
typical losses, 2

uncertainty, 14, 237
unemployment, 211–212

validation, 46
valuation, 46
venting, 46

veterans, 23, 93, 179, 181, 282–286
verifying, 46
virtual memorials, 7
visionary, 46–47
vocational/career aspirations, loss of
ability to pursue, 182–183
volunteering, 245–246
vulnerability, 6

Werner-Lin, A., 160–164
in middle adulthood, 213–214
military, 179
mortality rates, 4
in older adulthood, 264–267
in young adulthood, 174–178, 181
Wilkenfield, B. F., 136–140
Winnicott, D., 61, 297, 298
caregiving responsibilities of, 207
divorced, 213
Worden, J. W., 10–11
Worden’s Four Tasks of Mourning,
147–148, 160
work identity, 236–237, 238–241
work relationships, loss/change of, 242

young adulthood, 171–201
biological development, 172
childbearing decisions in, 183–184
chronic/life-threatening illness in, 180
developmental crisis, 172
IPV in, 190–196
life partner death in, 174–178
losses experienced in, 173–180
loss of child in, 186–190
military service in, 179–180
other’s experience of loss in,
parental death in, 173–174
parental divorce in, 178–179
psychological development, 172–173
social development, 173
transition to parenthood in, 184–186
typical and maturational losses in,
vocational/career aspirations, loss of,
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