vertical. Symphyseal region essentially featureless in
front, but may bear a very slight midline swelling low
down that may continue in a backwardly angling
swelling of bone that extends as far as region of Ml.
Seen from below, bone of corpora uniformly thick ex-
cept in the latter cases, which show very slight b/l
thickening toward midline. Mental foramina may be
small, medium, or large, and lie under P2-M1. Post-
incisal plane vertical; may be short or tall and/or con-
vex. Small pit below midpoint; below this, thin vertical
crest of bone runs to inferior border. Genial tubercle(s)
may be present. Bone thickens b/l smoothly from top
to bottom. Viewed from below, preserved bone uni-
form in thickness from side to side across front. Digas-
tric fossae small to wide m/l; may be faint and shallow
or deep, and may point down, back, or down and back.
Fossae may be separated in midline by small ridge of
bone. Anterior root of ramus apparently arose in region
of M1 and 2; swells out jaw a bit as it runs back, then
up; obscures only most distal part of M3, from which it
is separated laterally by a proportionately substantial
space. External surface of ramus undulating, suggesting
strong muscle attachment. Mylohyoid line strong or
low lying. Deep submandibular fossa lies below all mo-
lars, M1 and 2, or M2. Internal alveolar crest extends
well behind M3 before turning upward and apparently
flattening out. Mandibular foramen relatively large,
ovoid, pointing upward and backward, and quite poste-
riorly placed on ramus. Straight mylohyoid groove runs
forward and steeply down from foramen.
Lower Teeth
AU anterior tooth roots were large, long, and single. An-
terior alveoli may incline forward slightly. 12s may not
have been much larger than 11s. Cs were relatively
small. M1 proportionately much larger than premolars.
P2 crown small, but root long and single. P2 was proba-
bly subround, with thick mesial cristid. Distal cingulid
very thick, runs behind large metaconid positioned
in mesiolingual corner of crown, well in front of more
centrally placed, not much larger, protoconid. Molars
may be small but with large, long roots, and diminish in
size from M1 to M3. MI-3 may be very elongate,
somewhat narrow ovoid teeth, with tiny but deep ante-
rior foveae (may not be present on M3). On M1 and 2,
talonid basin may be lingually shifted. Hypoconulids
may be large, centrally or buccally placed, separated
from hypoconid by notch. Undamaged M2-3 have
very puffy cusps, especially buccally; talonid basins are
deep, centrally placed, and m/d truncated. Bases of
cusps converge into talonid basins; base of hypoconid
may extend across midline of crown. There may be a
small notch between hypoconid and metaconid. Proto-
conid and metaconid subequal and lie opposite one an-
other; are largest molar cusps. On M1 and 2 roots di-
verge well below neck; remain closely approximated. A
possible lower dm2 (quite worn) is not very narrow. It is
somewhat ovoid in outline, with large, centrally placed
hypoconulid and shallow notches on both sides of
hypoconid. Talonid basin was probably lingually shifted.
Relatively short roots quite divergent; cleft lies some
distance from neck.
Cranial Fragments
Frontal Fragment. Thin boned. Portions of
supraorbital and glabellar regions cutmarked. Portion
of R supraorbital and glabellar regions (with upper
portion of nasals) quite thick boned, with some
porotic hyperostosis externally. Viewed from above,
glabella broad and not very protrusive; lies anterior
to superior orbital margin. Margin indented in
midline above region of relatively broad, deep
supraorbital notch; appears to be curving forward
again lateral to notch. In side profile, minimally
excavated orbital roof angles sharply up on to almost
vertical, slightly swollen frontal above. No distinct
glabellar butterfly. Laterally, slight indentation above
supraorbital notch, but no evidence of bipartite brow
with retreating lateral plate. Small foramen lies
above and lateral to notch. Interorbital region
apparently was quite broad superiorly. Frontonasal
suture broad and horizontal; lies above peaks of
downwardly angled frontomaxillary sutures. Nasion
not notably depressed. Nasal bones apparently did
not flare forward very much. R frontal sinus
terminates laterally medial to supraorbital notch;
does not extend far up into frontal. L frontal sinus
confined to midline behind nasion.
L Malar. Almost complete, missing mostly region
lateral to zygomaticomaxillary suture. External surface
almost entirely flat with virtually no curvature. Contri-
bution to inferolateral corner of orbit is shallowly
curved, with rounded border. Zygomaticofacial foramen
large and single; lies well below infraorbital margin.
Very tall, quite vertical zygomaticotemporal suture lies
quite far forward, indicating very short temporal
process; suture not “stepped.” No malar tubercle.