The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


sagittal suture; no posttoral sulcus. Supraorbital tori
project strongly forward but not superiorly; they curve
smoothly superiorly. Viewed from above, tori more or
less straight across until they begin to retreat lateral to
midpoint of orbit. Front of neurocranium notably
compressed laterally from above; posterior part more
expanded. Postorbital constriction quite marked.
Tori slightly arced and continuous across the very
broad, only minimally depressed glabella. Tori very s/i
tall medially and taper significantly laterally. At best, a
shallow notch indents inferior margin of brows. Espe-
cially medially, no angle between orbital roof and
anterior surface of torus. Orbits subsquare, with well-
rounded corners. On the R, where region is preserved,
floor of orbit appears to flow out smoothly onto face.
Interorbital region quite broad. Temporal lines be-
come distinct behind lateral part of supraorbital tori as
raised ridges confined to frontal bone. Farther back,
bone eroded; evidently temporal lines were quite faint
posterior to coronoid suture. Bone between temporal
ridges elevated relative to bone lateral to them.
Nasal bones broken inferiorly; were clearly
broader inferiorly than superiorly, tapering consis-
tently toward nasion. Nasals quite flat across and lack
any keeling along naso-nasal sutwre. Nasals modestly
flexed below nasion; would not have projected very
noticeably. Frontal process of maxilla quite narrow and
curves anteriorly to meet nasal bones. No indication
whatsoever of lacrimal fossa (even if this area had
been distorted, which it does not appear to have been,
some trace of fossa would have been expected).
Frontal process of zygoma curves backward and is
relatively vertical, whereas inferior portion swings out
anteriorly. Process is also extremely thick from back to
front, with a distinct swelling posteriorly that en-
croaches into temporal fossa (also detectable in what
is preserved on the L). Malar tuberosity faces some-
what obliquely outward. Inferior margin of anterior
root of zygomatic arch sloped upward; posterior root
took origin well in front of auditory meatus.
Squamosal portion of temporal was quite long;
appears to have been relatively tall, at least anteriorly.
On both sides, there is a bilateral bulge posteriorly
(possibly along anterior squamosal suture?) in tempo-
ral fossa; anteriorly, fossae extremely excavated (very
distinct anterior and posterior temporal fossae).
Crease at bottom of alisphenoid delineates flat plane
below between it and thick lateral pterygoid plate
(which the projected more posteriorly than only mini-
mally developed medial plate). Region of articular

fossa preserved on the R. Articular eminence distinct;
fossa notably excavated and broad, delimited posteri-
orly by a long postglenoid plate. Medial articular
tubercle is a continuation of the broad articular emi-
nence and is very thick and chunky. Vaginal process
low medially; comes to a double peak around styloid
pit. Pit lies centrally along ectotympanic tube. Vaginal
process does not extend laterally. Stylomastoid fora-
men moderately large; it lies laterally, close to styloid
pit. Jugular foramen on the R is rather small, down-
wardly facing, and surmounted by a steep wall poste-
riorly. Carotid foramen is separated from jugular fora-
men by thin bony wall (of petrosal itself); it also faces
downward. Ectotympanic tube on the R appears to
have been fully ossified laterally. Auditory meatus ver-
tical compressed ovoid; lies right at front of mastoid
process. Bone of tube was not notably thick.
Parietomastoid suture very short, more or less
horizontal. Parietal notch not very distinct. Mastoid
process (R better preserved) is very thick, bulbous at
its base, and projects very strongly; its internal face is
sheer and wall-like. More medially, bone is greatly
elevated relative to tip of mastoid process, but there
is no mastoid notch, groove for occipital artery, or
cresting. Externally, no mastoid crest, virtually no
suprameatal crest, but a tiny supramastoid bulge
Lambdoid suture slopes very gradually upward
toward what was probably a broad peak at lambda.
Occipital extremely broad. Occipital plane quite shal-
low. Below lambda, low but distinct bulge of occipital
bone. At base of this swelling, nuchal plane angles
gently anteriorly; is devoid of significant features. No
occipital torus, external occipital protuberance, or
indication of nuchal lines. Area behind foramen mag-
num crushed; median occipital crest was narrow and
not very long. Foramen ovale small; lies lateral to
lateral pyerygoid plate. Appears to have been little
flexion between basisphenoid and basiocciput. Base of
vomer not differentiated into alae, forming instead a
large, inflated bony circle that extends quite anteriorly
before converging into single plate, and plausibly en-
closes a large, teardrop-shaped sinus. Basiocciput very
broad, quite flat across, but rugose toward its lateral
margins; slopes gently toward margin of foramen
magnum (does not form lip). Foramen magnum quite
tiny, with no protruding margin, subcircular to ovoid.
Occipital condyles (R well preserved) small; taper
posteriorly with no fossa behind. Portion of petrosal
medial to carotid foramen relatively short. Internally,
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