The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

(^174) A F R I CA
distolingually oriented basin. Entoconid and meta-
conid somewhat more peripherally placed and more
com-pressed than buccal cusps. Enamel was probably
somewhat wrinkled. Root bifurcation well below neck.
M1 partially obscured in its crypt. Root develop-
ment minimal. Much larger than dm2, but appears
morphologically similar in detail. Enamel thickly and
deeply wrinkled.
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White, T. 2000. Melka KontourC. In: E. Delson et al. (eds),
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National Museum of Ethiopia, P. 0. Box 76, Addis Ababa,

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