The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

200 A F R I c A

so on M2. Ml and 2 about subequally broad b/l, but
M1 shorter m/d.

OH 12. Small partial calvaria, in fragments. Part of
frontal, and parietals, plus occipital fragment down to
nuchal plane. Bone extremely thick, with thick inner
and outer tables.
Central R supraorbital fragment preserved. Supe-
rior orbital margin moderately tall s/i, with short
posttoral plane behind. Supraorbital notch probably
medially positioned. Orbital roof curves strongly but
smoothly onto somewhat flat anterior surface of
supraorbital torus. Internally, frontal lobe did not
extend fully over orbital cone.
Partial L maxilla with partial alveoli for I2 and C,
and roots of Pl-M2 preserved. Palate shallow, with
gently sloping sides, especially anteriorly; was not long
a/p; was probably not very wide (as befits the skull).
Floor of nasal cavity partially preserved on the L;
slightly guttered m/l. Anterior part of nasal cavity
floor apparently lay considerably higher than posterior
part. Preserved inferolateral corner of nasal aperture
smoothly rounded, lacktng lateral crest. Part of naso-
alveolar clivus preserved; would have been very long,
anteriorly sloping. C root was rather long, probably
quite stout. Cheek teeth were quite large for indi-
vidual's size. P1 and 2 three rooted; P and M crowns
would have been very wide b/l.
Cranium would have been short, fairly domed,
with frontal rising from a short posttoral plane (as
seen in R supraorbital fragment). Above where mas-
toids would have been, profile slopes down to broad,
flat, slightly swollen region that lies well above low
external occipital protuberance. Swollen area
slightly undercut by a steeply inwardly sloping
nuchal plane. Inferior margin of swollen region
marked by thin, bow-shaped superior nuchal line
that delineates shallow scallop-shaped depressions
on either side of occipital protuberance. Seen from
rear, skull would have been broadest across mastoids
(as indicated by outward curve of parietal at region
of thick parietomastoid suture). Above this, rear
profile was quite smoothly curved up to and across
midline. Parietal notch would have been angled in
rather than vertical.
On the R, preserved part of temporal line lies
rather low on side of skull; curves around in front of
lambdoid suture. Lambdoid suture rose steeply from
asterion; probably arced smoothly across lambda.
Lambdoid and preserved portions of sagittal suture

both modestly denticulate, seemingly undifferenti-
ated. Central part of coronoid suture preserved; only
very shallowly denticulate.
Partial L mastoid region with slightly angled-in
parietal notch, short, horizontal, very thick pari-
etomastoid suture; external surface of preserved squa-
mous region somewhat sloped inward and upward.
Mastoid process thickened externally, downwardly
pointing, but not very projecting or very long a/p; its
external surface bears a broad muscle scar that runs in
from asterion. Medial to mastoid process is a narrow
but quite deep mastoid notch that does not continue
into a definable digastric fossa. Medial to notch, bone
is elevated (but whether into paramastoid or occipito-
mastoid crest cannot be determined).
Posterior part of tubular ectotympanic partially
preserved; is appressed to base of mastoid; tube appar-
ently was not truncated laterally. Auditory meatus was
probably quite large. Internally, sigmoid sinus broad;
runs behind petrosal region. No sign of superior
petrous sinus.
Part of R squamosal region preserves some of
articular fossa. Fossa narrow superiorly; flows anteri-
orly outward with no articular eminence. Posteriorly, a
postglenoid plate apparently had been present. Proba-
bly no suprameatal crest flowing back into down-
wardly angled upper surface of posterior zygomatic
root. Anterior lambdoid suture present; gives no sign
of being cornered or raised.
Internally, internal occipital protuberance very
thick, pronounced; subequal L and R transverse
sinuses take origin from it. On the R, transverse sinus
crosses into lower extremity of parietal bone. Above
transverse sinuses lie fairly large impressions for
occipital lobes; the R somewhat larger than L. On the
piece of frontal near bregma, superior sagittal sinus
comes off low at superior extremity of frontal crest
(which must have been quite long).

OH 27. "I3 crown. Crown long, somewhat
narrow, distally tapering. Fairly cuspulated, with
somewhat internally placed buccal cusps. Hypoconulid
twinned; larger part is in midline, close to hypoconid.
Metastylid distinct and well-developed. Paracristid
thick, low, creased; runs mesially between bases of tall
metaconid and lower but longer protoconid.
OH 63. Isolated lower R molariform tooth,
unworn, without interproximal facets (thus unerupted
or incompletely erupted). Crown fairly tall, m/d long,
b/l narrow; cusps somewhat bulbous with slightly
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