The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


suture; suture not raised on either side. Carotid
foramina relatively large, point down; closely approxi-
mated jugular foramina point anteriorly. L jugular
foramen much larger than the R (corresponding to
similar asymmetries of sigmoid sinuses internally).
Vaginal process peaked moderately at region of styloid
pit (on R side; broken on L); quickly fades out later-
ally. On the R, base of very thin styloid process is
detectable in pit. On both sides, the relatively large
stylomastoid foramen lies posterolateral to, and is
somewhat separated from, the styloid pit. Articular
fossa better preserved on R. It is quite deep, wide m/l,
and somewhat constricted a/p by the very tall anterior
surface in front, and behind by a moderately tall,
thick, somewhat m/l wide postglenoid plate that lies
lateral to tubular ectotympanic. Articular fossa par-
tially closed off medially by a huge, bulky medial ar-
ticular (entoglenoid) tubercle that is separated from
petrosal by a narrow notch. Just medial to tubercle, on
both sides, petrosal bears a distinct, downwardly pro-
jecting structure that on the L (R is broken) is sepa-
rated from vaginal process by a m/l groove. On L, a
large foramen spinosum visible; lies just in front of
broken medial articular tubercle and the projecting
structure on petrosal. Impossible to tell whether fora-
men is situated in temporal or sphenoid. Foramen
spinosum also lies well behind large foramen ovale;
on both sides, the latter is clearly situated in the
Lateral extremities of lambdoid suture are pre-
served; on the L, two large ossicles occur at asterion.
On the L, lambdoid suture rises quite steeply from
asterion. Although cranium is broad across mastoids,
occipital itself is not. This bone is relatively narrow,
and the occipitomastoid suture lies quite far medially.
Occipital plane quite flat; is undercut only slightly by
the steep nuchal plane. Superior nuchal line does not
extend very far laterally and is defined inferiorly only
by a very shallow depression. As seen from rear, supe-
rior nuchal line is mildly bow-shaped; it swells only
moderately posteriorly toward midline. Nuchal plane
is fairly badly damaged, but twin depressions are pre-
served on either side of what would have been a thick
external occipital crest. There was probably no defin-
able external occipital protuberance. Far medial to
occipitomastoid sutures, bilaterally, lie small, slightly
anterolaterally oriented Waldeyer’s crests. Basiocciput
wide and flat, and appears to have been quite thin s/i.
Internally, orbital cones separated by a very wide,
triangular depression. In center of depression lies

lower part of a sharp frontal crest; behind this lie large
perforations of the broad but a/p very short cribriform
plate. On the L, cribriform surface lies well below
broad top of preserved orbital cone. As preserved on
the L, optic foramen very large, oriented directly
posteriorly (margin of lesser wing of sphenoid thus
has a posteromedial rather than a subhorizontal orien-
tation). Middle cranial fossa much larger on L than
on R. Groove for posterior branch of middle men-
ingeal artery is visible on the L; rises steeply from
anterior region of temporal (suggesting either that
foramen spinosum was in temporal or very far
posterior on sphenoid). Very thick, massive internal
occipital crest separates shallow, small, minimally
asymmetrical occipital lobes, as well as larger, more
deeply impressed cerebellar depressions (R is much
larger). Rise of transverse sinus is more pronounced
on R, but still relatively low. Sigmoid sinus may just
have touched parietal bone at region of notch; it de-
scends almost vertically behind petrosal. Shallower L
sigmoid sinus apparently similar. Openings of jugular
foramina oriented laterally and forward (in contrast to
external orientation). L petrosal better preserved than
R there is only the faintest trace of a superior petrous
sinus posteriorly. Very broad superior surface of pet-
rosal bears a broad but only minimally elevated arcu-
ate eminence. Internal acoustic meatus is quite large
and funnel shaped. Region of subarcuate fossa is dam-
aged; fossa was probably not closed off. Below fossa is
a large, well-defined sub-subarcuate fossa.

OH 11 Morph

OH 11. L maxillary fragment with roots of
C-M2, alveoli for Is. Lower corner and floor of what
was probably a moderately broad nasal aperture is
preserved to midline. Inferior part of its lateral wall
and inferior margin are rounded; inferior margin
flows smoothly onto a somewhat anteriorly sloping
clivus that curved across. Nasal floor slightly
“scooped” along its length, with a slight peak in
midline; descends gently posterior to incisive fossa.
Apparently very posteriorly placed anterior nasal
spine lies in front of incisive fossa. Base of maxillary
sinus exposed; sinus probably did not extend
posteriorly beyond level of M2. Very large, massive
palate was shallow with sloping walls all around.
Incisive canal is present in midline above; it descends
almost vertically to region between and just behind
11s. Tooth rows seem to have diverged. Judging from
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