As apparently properly reconstructed on the R,
lateral margin of nasal aperture is rounded, somewhat
columnar, with very shallow canine fossa on its lateral
aspect. As differently reconstructed on the L, lateral
margin has distinct edge that becomes more crisply
defined superiorly; externally, surface of margin is flat,
and internally, is depressed (presumably due to devel-
opment of a sinus). Perhaps a piece of L lateral nasal
margin from farther up (i.e., of frontal process, which
would expectedly be rather flat) has been incorporated
too far down, at base of margin; if repositioned further
up, this piece would also indicate a rather extensive
vertical extension of the maxillary sinus.
Nasoalveolar clivus begins far back in nasal cavity;
is moderately long, flat across, quite markedly forward
sloping. Flows smoothly out from floor of nasal cavity
with no definable inferior margin to nasal aperture. As
reconstructed, floor of nasal cavity posterior to open-
ings of incisive canals is unusually high (not sunken
below level of clivus as expected). Palate is narrow,
relatively deep; was probably not very long a/p.
Side walls of palate parallel to each other, curving in
toward midline. Anterior slope of palate even gentler.
Dentition. I1 alveoli indicate roots were not very
long but were strongly curved out and down. Roots
were very wide m/d, but tapered strongly to their
tips. I2 alveoli markedly narrower m/d, not as long
b/l, and essentially parallel sided; hence, considerable
disparity in both size and probably crown shape
between 11s and 12s. As judged from L, C root was
not as broad m/d and not much longer than I1 root.
C crown was probably not very broad m/d. P1 and
P2 three rooted, lingual root largest; were probably
similar in crown size. Ms were similar to Ps in roots
and relative crown size. Fragmentary M3 preserved
on L still bears some crown enamel; although very
extensively worn, it remains very thick. Tooth in
position of RC differs from LC in having much
longer, stouter root; perhaps the latter is a LC1. If a
LC1, the long longitudinal groove would then be on
mesial side of root; also, although crown is very
extensively worn, it would have been stout but not
very laterally flaring.
Nonhominid, Pongo-like Morph
(includes OH 15,29,59,60)
OH 15. Some tooth fragments, plus R and LM3s
and a very stout-rooted, excessively worn RC1. C has
long mesial groove. Both M3s very worn, although
clearly cuspulated with peripherally placed cusps.
RM3 has three large, very divergent roots.
OH 29. R12, plus fragment of molar (and a
phalanx). I root long, compressed; crown tall,
somewhat spatulate, laterally flaring, slightly shoveled.
OH 59. LI' crown. Very large, spatulate, deeply
shoveled with tall, thick lingual swelling.
OH 60. RM3, heavily worn; m/d long, tapers
distally. Enamel wrinkled, cusps peripheral around
OH 22. R mandibular corpus and part of ramus,
with roots for 11-C and M3; also P1-M2 crowns.
Corpus fairly deep, probably tallest s/i at symphysis,
becoming shallower only very slightly posteriorly.
Inferior margin of corpus quite straight. In profile,
symphysis slopes gently back. From above, symphyseal
region was quite broad, gently arced across, with
moderately divergent tooth rows. Postincisal plane
quite long, fairly horizontal; curves gently down
behind, with only slightest hint of genial depression;
no genial tubercle detectable. At bottom of genial
depression is a slightly raised angle hinting at an
inferior torus that curves sharply forward to inferior
margin. Inferior margin bears only merest hint of
flattening in area of R digastric fossa. Bone of corpus
relatively wide b/l, fairly uniformly thick all the way
back from symphysis. No mylohyoid line, only a hint
of submandibular fossa below M3. Double mental
foramina lie below P2: a moderate one above, and a
smaller one below. Posterior to them is a small shallow
depression. Anterior margin of ramus takes origin
behind M2, close to alveolar margin (thus, no gutter).
Anterior margin slopes backward considerably before
curving up; would have partially masked M3. Gonial
region broken of6 external and internal surfaces are
smooth where preserved. Internally, a stout thickening
runs up and back from internal alveolar crest toward
sigmoid notch. Mandibular foramen lies high up and
posteriorly on ramus; is compressed, faces up and back.
Rim of foramen broken; presence of lingula cannot be
Judging from roots, I1 was smaller than 12; both
were compressed. I crowns were probably a bit procum-
bent. C root not very massive; crown was probably
narrow; trace of stout distal margocristid lingually. P1
m/d very long, narrow, triangular in occlusal outline;