SlNGh 259
Calvaria lacking parts of cranial base (including much
of nuchal region between mastoid processes) and
some bone of sphenoid region. Also lacks L and R zy-
gomatic arches and lateral orbital regions, especially
on R. Both mastoid tips damaged. Bone very weath-
ered; considerable reconstruction posteriorly. Large pit
on R frontal, of uncertain origin. In general, bone
thin, except for thickening in regions of externally
quite swollen parietal eminences.
Skull relatively long and moderately tall. Short
frontal rise fairly steep, running straight up from
glabella. Long slope back toward bregma, behind
which top of skull straightens out for half the length of
the sagittal suture; profile then slopes back and down,
continuing onto occipital plane, which curves down
and slightly in about level with asterion. Below inion,
occipital plane fairly flat but strongly undercut by
nuchal plane, which slopes quite steeply forward.
Viewed from behind, skull extremely broad, reaching
maximum width at parietal eminences; side walls of
cranium tilt very slightly outward and upward; parietal
eminences swell above level of sagittal suture. From
above, postorbital constriction fairly strong; posteriorly,
skull expands laterally very sharply to parietal emi-
nences. From above, supraorbital margin relatively
straight; retreats moderately from very slightly de-
pressed glabellar region. From front, face quite narrow;
as noted on the L, brow extends quite far laterally.
Frontal dome short, modest, and confluent with
the glabellar region; more laterally, it is offset by in-
creasingly pronounced posttoral planes. Seen from
above, frontal dome goes directly to glabella but re-
treats laterally from the superior orbital margin, giving
appearance of protrusion to brows. Viewed from the
side, such protrusion not evident. Supraorbital tori on
both sides flow continuously from glabella upward and
laterally. Maximum s/i height of orbit achieved quite
medially; more laterally, orbit tapers gently toward its
extremity. As seen on the L, orbital roof shallow; flows
fairly smoothly out onto torus, with some cornering,
especially medially. Inferior margin of L torus rela-
tively straight, gently curving laterally. Smoothly con-
tinuous torus not very tall; tapers laterally. Tori do not
protrude anteriorly beyond glabella, which itself does
not protrude anteriorly beyond nasion. What is pre-
served of frontonasal suture implies that nasal bones
were broad superiorly; they would have broadened
inferiorly. Posttoral plane increases in length laterally.
Interorbital region quite broad compared to size of
face and gently arced from side to side. Profile of the
nasal region below glabella curved strongly forward
and virtually horizontal.
As hinted on the L, a weak, posteriorly mound-like
temporal line emerged in a lateral position and ran back
in low arc, turning down above region of asterion. As
preserved on the L, superiorly dp long temporal fossa
tapers drastically inferiorly and is smooth and undiffer-
entiated s/i (i.e., with no infratemporal fossa). On both
sides is a slight cornering of the anterior squamosal su-
ture into the temporal fossa (more pronounced on L).
Appears that squamosal was not very tall but rose
steeply to reach maximum height quite anteriorly. As
better preserved on the L, squamosal was relatively
long. Also seen on the L, parietomastoid suture long
and horizontal, and parietal notch very shallow and
open. On both sides, posterior root of zygomatic arch
extends moderately laterally from articular fossae; ap-
parently would have flared somewhat laterally. Bilater-
ally strong and slightly upwardly angled suprameatal
crests flow into modest but bulging supramastoid
crests. As seen on the L, supramastoid bulge was sepa-
rated by shallow vertical fossa from the very small, thin,
short mastoid process. Also as preserved on the L, the
very low ridge on lateral side of mastoid process flows
steeply up and back toward region of parietal notch. On
both sides, mastoid notch deep and V shaped, broaden-
ing posteriorly on L to a very faint depression. No
paramastoid or occipitomastoid crests.
Articular fossae angled forward; entirely closed off
medially, but not by tubercle. Fossae moderately deep;
bounded anteriorly by a fairly strong vertical wall that
flows out onto flat sphenotemporal region (no emi-
nence). Posteriorly, fossae incompletely bounded later-
ally. Posteromedial edge of fossa enclosed by arcuate,
anteriorly curving vaginal process. Process appears to
reach its peak and lateral-most extent quite medially,
terminating medial to R and L damaged styloid re-
gion. On both sides, tubular ectotympanic extremely
short, barely extending beyond midpoint of articular
fossae. On the R, auditory meatus very small and
ovoid. On the L, wall of meatus pathologically thick-
ened with quite small opening.
As preserved on the L, carotid foramen relatively
large, backwardly pointing, and quite medially posi-
tioned; lies directly behind small foramen ovale, which
lies well within sphenoid. R foramen ovale even
smaller. On both sides, foramen rotundum rather
large; lies slightly posterolaterally to foramen ovale,
from which it is separated by thick wall of bone. As