278 A F R I c1 A
Surface bone weathered; appears to have been
smooth, undulating gently around developing teeth.
Corpus depth modest and width relatively great at
midheight. Symphyseal region quite chunky and long
a/p. From above, internal and external surfaces parallel
and curving quite broadly. Tooth rows would have
diverged quite strongly. Postincisal plane short and
steeply sloping; at midsymphysis, curves down and
slightly forward toward what may have been a shal-
lowly excavated genial region. Digastric fossa
m/l wide and a/p moderately long; faces downward
and slightly back. No sign of mylohyoid line or
submandibular depression.
dml root was C shaped, with two distinct buccal
apices. dm2 was double rooted with at least two mesial
root apices. I1 crown quite tall, with mesial and distal
edges moderately divergent, buccal surface slightly
convex, and lingual surface slightly concave. I1 has
short, somewhat horizontal mesial edge; distal edge
longer and slightly sloping. These edges diverge from a
distinct, off-center peak on incisal margin. P2 has a
quite well-developed protoconid; thickened crest origi-
nates at its distal side and runs around perimeter of
occlusal surface to incorporate low, small, mesially
placed metaconid. Sides, especially lingual, quite
bulbous, and enamel quite wrinkled.
Morph 2
SK 27. Highly s/i compressed cranium with L12,
Ldm2, LP2 unerupted, and R and L Mls. Plus 3
isolated teeth: LC1 with broken root; LP1 or P2 with
broken root, and Rdm2 crown lacking roots. May not
be associated.
Skull lacks sagittal crest. Nasonasal suture lacks
crest. On the L, a thick temporal scar lies on parietal
some distance from sagittal suture. Squamosal was
probably long and not too tall s/i. Parietal notch very
shallow. Parietomastoid suture relatively long, hori-
zontal, and finely interdigitated. As seen on the L,
articular fossa was probably deep, not very wide m/l,
but could have been long a/p; is partially closed off by
modest medial articular tubercle. Mastoid processes
small (probably did not project much inferiorly) and
oriented somewhat down and forward. Upper part of
mastoid region and upper part of occipitomastoid
suture extend posteriorly beyond asterion. From aster-
ion, lambdoid suture slopes gently up for some
distance and is then damaged. Occipital plane some-
what broad from side to side, but was probably not
very tall s/i. Foramen magnum was probably ovoid
and relatively small. L foramen ovale round, lying
lateral to base of lateral pterygoid plate. Foramen
spinosum lies well posterior to medial articular tuber-
cle and is probably still just in sphenoid bone.
Coronal suture preserved; shallowly interdigitated
and not segmented. Sagittal suture also unsegmented,
with interdigitations slightly deeper. Lambdoid suture
unsegmented and finely interdigitated.
LI1 fairly large, tall-crowned, somewhat slender
m/d, flaring somewhat laterally, and slightly concave
lingually. Partial C tall-crowned and barely visible.
Ldm2 very worn, subsquare, with large hypocone and
short postcingulum. As seen on the L, M1 somewhat
longer m/d than wide b/l. Protocone large; bears a dis-
tinct protostylar pit mesially, and is separated by larger
pit distally from large, m/d compressed hypocone.
Thick precingulum runs from protostylar pit to base of
paracone. Very thick, long postcingulum runs from lin-
gual side of hypocone to distal side of large metacone
(thus talon basin is b/l long and m/d short). Trigon
basin very restricted to center of crown. Lingual side of
tooth slightly more bulbous than buccal side.
Isolated teeth. Unworn LC huge, tall crowned,
bulky at base, with long mesial and slightly longer distal
edge; the latter terminates in a small style-like swehng
from which a modest crest descends on lingual side. On
mesial side is a shorter lingual crest. Internal to both
crests is a shallow pit. Unworn LP1 or LP2 is partially re-
constructed. Paracone and protocone internally placed
and separated by a V-shaped groove; internal surfaces
deeply wrinkled. Thick preprotocrista swings mesially
before coming back to paracone; postprotocrista
straighter. Paracone bears small styles on either side.
Unworn Rdm2 long m/d, with a very distally arcing,
thick postcingulum surrounding the deep talon basin.
Protocone small, somewhat internally placed, and con-
nected by a thin crest to the equally small metacone.
Paracone massive. Preprotocrista slightly beaded; runs
strongly mesially before swinging to base of paracone.
Internally, the paracone also bears a crest-like structure.
SKX 334 (Member 2). Identified as an M1.
Broken. Shows very thick enamel and deep grooves
between cusps. A groove alongside juncture of bases
of the broken paracone and large protocone (and
apparently also a low, beaded postcingulum) enclosed
a deep, moderately large basin to the side of the
broken, quite large hypocone. Trigon basin deep but
truncated by bases of cusps.