The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

312 A s I A , W E s T E R N

Neanderthal, and Schwartz and Tattersall (2000)
have also demonstrated its specifically Neanderthal
mandibular morphology. Holloway (2000) quotes a
cranial capacity for the adult skull of 1740 ml.


Amud 1
Skull of adult, heavily reconstructed, missing most of
face and cranial base; all teeth present but worn. Also
mandible, essentially complete except for R condyle
and part of coronoid process. L condyle pathological
and remodeled. A!l teeth worn.
Cranium long, rather continuously curved in pro-
file, without occipital projection. Rear of skull shows
smooth curve in profile. Brow ridge continuous across
apparently protruding glabella, smoothly rolled from
front to back; tapers slightly laterally and thickens
slightly adjacent to zygomaticofrontal suture. Supra-
toral plane short, with low frontal rise behind. In-
terorbital region broad. Only uppermost parts of nasal
bones remain, above their point of flexion. Frontal
sinuses large; penetrate laterally to midpoint of orbits
but do not penetrate frontal beyond toral region. Infe-
rior margin of nasal aperture with prenasal fossa (i.e.,
external marginal crest anterior to spinal crest, which
forms interior margin). Base of anterior nasal spine
quite stout; remainder of its morphology missing.
Nasoalveolar clivus very long, slightly forwardly slop-
ing, and broad laterally.
Zygomatic arch long and delicate, originating in
front of auditory meatus. Configuration of anterior
zygomatic plane undecipherable (no contact pre-
served between what remains of maxilla and upper
face). Maxillary sinus large, extending about halfway
up zygoma and forward at least to canine region.
Temporal lines extremely faint. Squamosal short
and quite low. Anterior squamosal suture may have
been angled medially, suggesting demarcation
between temporal and infratemporal fossae. Tempo-
ral fossa was long and probably quite narrow. Artic-
ular fossa quite broad and not closed off laterally;
medial articular tubercle only modestly developed.
Region of articular eminence flat. Parietal notch lies
at midline of mastoid process. Parietomastoid suture
horizontal, not notably long. Styloid process lies
well medial to stylomastoid foramen. Vaginal
process probably did not run right along laterally
incompletely ossified ectotympanic tube. Mastoid

process quite long, stout at base; pointed forward
and down. Breaks in process suggest presence of
fairly large air cells inside. Suprameatal crest weak.
Supramastoid crest only slightly more accentuated,
sloping gently upward. Slight swelling on mastoid
process about level with auditory meatus (mastoid
crest or tubercle?). Mastoid notch distinct, but not
particularly wide or deep; hint of paramastoid crest
medial to it.
Anterior lambdoid suture present and horizontal.
Lambdoid suture rises gently about 2 cm posterior to
asterion, arcing across back of skull; shows small peak
at lambda. Occiput does not protrude below lambda.
Occipital torus present, marked by modest bilateral
depressions below; is lowest and least salient at mid-
line. Bone above torus is missing. Preserved on the L
is extremity of what would have been a rather broad,
short, modestly roughened suprainiac depression. En-
tire cranial base area was broad and probably quite
flat. Occipitomastoid region broken with no hint of
crest along suture. A low, quite posteriorly placed,
Waldeyer’s crest is seen particularly well on the R.
Palate deep, with moderately sloping sides. Single
incisive foramen positioned far forward. Internally,
petrosal moderately broad, with low, domed arcuate
eminence, and closed-over subarcuate fossa; lacks
superior petrous sinus.
Mandibular corpus deep; does not increase in
depth anteriorly. Symphyseal region broad if not flat.
Damage precludes determining presence of subalveo-
lar depression. No sign of mental trigon or symphy-
seal keel. Digastric fossae not very accentuated; region
broad and fairly flat. Low, bulky inferior marginal
tubercles lie below M1; inferior border of symphysis
rises slightly in front of them. Mental foramen lies
under Ml. Retromolar space large. Gonial region “cut
off” and straight. Sigmoid notch deepest near con-
dyle. Sigmoid notch crests ran to middle of condylar
necks. Mandibular foramen deeply scooped out on the
R, with faint mylohyoid groove below. Multiple me-
dial pterygoid tuberosities run up to level of foramen;
the highest is the largest. Mylohyoid line low, distinct,
with distinct submandibular fossa below.
All upper teeth present, but worn; appear small in
relation to size of skull. RM3 anomalous and tiny. 11s
may have been shoveled; 12s barrel shape. Cs had dis-
tinct lingual tubercles with foveae above. PI and 2
subequal in size. Molar metacones become increas-
ingly reduced relative to paracone from M1 to M3.
Molar protocones centrally placed. Trigon basins
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