The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

34 A F R I c A

e.g., Rightmire (1979), who noted specific metric re-
semblance to today’s San (Bushmen). de Villiers and
Fatti (1982), however, found them most closely linked
to non-San modern subsaharans. In addition, Van
Vark et al. (1989) not only found BC1 to be distinct
from all of their comparative samples of modern hu-
man remains, but also questioned the “modernity” of
this specimen. The cranium is reported by Holloway
(2000) to have a cranial capacity of 1510 ml.

There are a partial cranium and two mandibles of
somewhat differing morphology. Because of this dif-
ference and the lack of association between either
mandible and the partial cranium, the lower jaws will
be described separately.

Cranium BC1
Partial cranium reconstructed from fragments. As re-
constructed, braincase moderately large, long, with
steep rise to frontal. Hyperostotic and thus slightly
swollen out in midline from between frontal bosses to
behind bregma, thus as far as bone is preserved.
Supraorbital region somewhat thickened s/i,
slightly protrusive anteriorly; not clearly bipartite. Re-
gion of glabella slightly sunken relative to supraorbital
tori lateral to it. Tori slope gently backward and taper
only modestly laterally. On L is a wide, shallow, medi-
ally placed notch; on R, notch is closer to midline.
Anterior surface of supraorbital margin flattened
toward midline. As seen on L, orbital roof orbit is
mildly concave and forms a blunt corner with anterior
margin of torus. Superior part of interorbital region
preserved and rather broad. Supra/post glabelladtoral
plane (from which frontal rises vertically) barely
detectable. Frontal slightly swollen by bilateral bosses
and minimally indented behind tori (postorbital con-
striction slight). On both sides doubled, ridge-like
temporal lines emerge quite laterally on zygomatic
process of frontal; they curve back sharply to continue
low on side of skull, fading into low bands that curve
again down to space between the supramastoid crest
and a long, horizontal bulge on side of mastoid
process. R zygoma largely preserved and rather short
s/i. In side view, anterior surface of zygoma was
probably rounded, angling back strongly beside what
probably was a very shallow temporal fossa. Body of
zygoma slightly indented in region of rounded infero-
lateral corner of orbit. Posteriorly there are a large,

centrally placed foramen and a smaller superiorly
placed and downwardly angled foramen.
Mastoid regions preserved on both sides; tip of L
process broken OE Processes long a /p, laterally swollen,
low tipped, and bulky. As seen on L, mastoid notch shal-
low and not very broad, with distinct posterior rim. No
digastric fossa. Posteriorly, mastoid process penetrated by
multiple foramina (more on L than R). Traces of low,
long, thin occipitomastoid crest on L anteriorly and on R
posteriorly; on L, crest bordered medially by shallow sul-
cus. As seen best on L, low, bulky supramastoid crest
flows into a low suprameatal crest that probably did not
expand laterally into posterior root of zygomatic arch. As
seen best on L, the thick-walled ectotympanic expands
quite far laterally. Also on L, a thick vaginal process
peaks around a thin styloid process; it extends laterally
quite steeply to the auditory meatus and broadly contacts
the anterior face of the mastoid process. Large stylomas-
toid foramen lies posteriorly at base of styloid process.
Large carotid foramen lies just behind anterior part of
vaginal process and faces down, separated by a septum
from a large, slightly anteriorly facing jugular foramen.
Internally, petrosal bears a well-marked superior petrosal
sinus and a flat superior surface.

Border Cave 2 Mandible (A1102)
Partial adult mandible lacking L and most of R ramus,
and all teeth; LM1-RM3 alveoli present. Small, thin
m/l, not very tall s/i. Symphyseal region bears low,
wide keel descending from alveolar region; keel swells
laterally as well as anteriorly, starting about halfway
down symphysis, with a well-marked depression on ei-
ther side of keel. On both sides, under region of P1,
bone is undercut on inferior margin. Large, somewhat
backwardly pointing digastric fossae lie posterior to
these undercuts. Large mental foramen below P2 on
both sides. Anterior root of ramus takes origin below
region of M1 and 2, curves up strongly, and would
have obscured part of M3. Below M3, corpus dimin-
ishes in height s/i. Internally, postincisal plane essen-
tially vertical; starting halfway down, it bears a large,
moderately deep genial depression with tubercles on
either side and a large, pointed swelling below. Curve of
internal surface sharply rounded. Tooth rows strongly
divergent posteriorly. Long, marked mylohyoid line
and concomitantly long, concave submandibular
depression on both sides. On the R, internal alveolar
crest swings up strongly and loses definition superiorly.
On R, mandibular foramen was situated well behind
this diminishing crest; it pointed upward and is
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