The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


bulge and runs gently up and back with little arcing.
On L side, temporal line arcs a little more. Supraorbital
tori tall s/i; become even taller and bulkier laterally.
Preserved on R is a long, shallow supraorbital notch.
Region of glabella broad and slightly indented relative
to tori. Seen from above, region of glabella narrowly
concave; tori run essentially straight across on either
side. Posttoral sulcus on each side becomes longer a/p
and more excavated laterally; hardly exists in middle.
Interorbital region was quite broad. Damage exposes
outlines of R and L sinuses that arose from interorbital
region to penetrate glabellar region and medial parts of
tori. Lateral extent of sinuses cannot be determined;
appear to have filled posttoral space. Orbital roofs par-
tially covered by matrii; appear to be shallowly concave;
flow smoothly onto tori above. Preserved upper parts of
nasal bones indicate they were rather narrow. Nasals
were also quite straight; appear not to have flexed much
(if at all) below nasion.
Parietal bones relatively long; each is depressed in
angle between sagittal and coronal sutures (region be-
tween them along front of sagittal suture appears
raised). On the L, parietal notch very narrow and
angular; parietal sits in it at slight angle. Bulky, up-
wardly sweeping supramastoid crest borders parietal
notch anteriorly; is noticeably protrusive laterally. Just
in front of lambda, parietals are slightly flattened.
Below lambda, occipital bulges slightly.
Squamosals moderately long; apparently did not arc
much (if at all) along their upper margins. On the L
(but not on R) is a blunt anterior squamosal “corner.”
There may not have been a flexure delimiting infratem-
poral fossa. Temporal fossa becomes considerably
deeper from top to bottom. Articular fossae long a/p;
become wide m/l anteriorly. Fossae probably moder-
ately deep below matrix, with anterior and posterior
walls forming a “V.” Lateral half of each fossa is
bounded anteriorly by the thin anterior margin of the
shelf of the posterior root of zygomatic arch; medial
portions of fossae are bounded by flat surface (thus no
articular eminence). As seen on the R, foramen ovale
lies quite laterally, near articular fossa. As seen on both
sides, tubular ectotympanic not fully ossified laterally.
As seen on the L, bone of ectotympanic not very thick;
auditory meatus was somewhat compressed a/p and
moderate in size. As preserved on the L, low vaginal
process appears to peak around very medially placed,
thin styloid process; this blunt peak does not extend
medially. R side seems to have been similar. Posterior
root of zygomatic arch takes origin just anterior to

tubular ectotympanic; angles outward quite sharply,
forming a fairly broad m/l but not very long alp shelf
anteriorly. In side view, root is not very tall s/i. Posterior
root flows behind into a thin but distinct suprameatal
crest, which broadens into a very bulky, upwardly
sweeping supramastoid crest. As seen on the L, pari-
etomastoid suture very long, gently upwardly sloping;
runs up and back to asterion. As seen on both sides,
mastoid process low, blunt at its tip. As seen on the R,
process barely projects beyond skull base; was probably
not very large at its own base. As seen from behind,
lateral side of process curves gently inward to its tip.
Medial to process lies very narrow mastoid notch.
Short anterior lambdoid suture runs up and back
until lambdoid suture proper assumes low arc across
lambda. Occipital extremely wide. Midregion of oc-
cipital plane essentially flat, delimited from nuchal
plane by thickened, bow-shaped superior nuchal line,
partly obscured by matrix. Nuchal plane still matrix
covered; there appears to have been a stout external
occipital crest. Cranial base largely obscured by
adherent matrix; much of exposed bone surface is
damaged. Foramen magnum somewhat damaged but
long and ovoid. Condyles were relatively far forward
on foramen’s rim. Posteriorly on both sides of fora-
men, thickenings may represent regions of secondary
articulation. Basiocciput was relatively short and
broad; seems to have been quite flat and not flexed
upward. Damaged basisphenoid reveals presence of
two large but relatively laterally confined sphenoid
Coronal suture very shallowly denticulate; sorne-
what wavy but not segmented. Sagittal suture variably
denticulate from shallow to moderate, with straighter
segment closer to lambda. Lambdoid suture shallowly
denticulate uniformly.
Internally, frontal lobes apparently did not extend
fully over orbital cones. Twin forwardly facing foram-
ina at apex of orbital cones are probably optic foram-
ina, although they might be foramina rotunda because
very posteriorly placed. R petrosal partially exposed,
with moderately broad, horizonal superior surface.
Slight bulge in region of arcuate eminence. There ap-
pears to have been a superior petrous sinus.


Grimaud-HervC, D. and H. Widianto. 1993. Les hominidks
de Java. Doss. Archaeol. 184: 30-46.
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