The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1


fairly flat, bending forward toward lambda and sloping
down and forward at the superior nuchal “line” toward
base. Frontal slopes back strongly from orbital mar-
gins, giving low rise. Arc of profile continues to mid-
point of sagittal suture and then continues straight
back to curve back and down to lambda. From above
(as noted on L), glabella protrudes in front of rela-
tively straight orbital margin. Nasal bones show evi-
dence of median keel; were apparently thin superiorly.
Glabellar region damaged, exposing small, re-
stricted frontal sinuses. Glabella would have overhung
nasion somewhat and protruded in front of superior
orbital margins. Low glabellar butterfly preserved on
the L; does not extend more than one-fourth of the
length of supraorbital margin (thus lateral plate is ex-
tensive, with most of supraorbital margin being thin).
Temporal lines emerge from behind frontal process;
arc back strongly; quickly fade out without evidence
on parietal (as noted on L). Interorbital region very
broad, with broad frontal processes of maxilla. Nasal
aperture was apparently broad, short, and almost
round. Thick base of anterior nasal spine preserved;
spine probably did not protrude anteriorly. Nasoalveo-
lar clivus short, prognathic, almost flat, and straight
across in region between R and L Cs. Matrix obscures
details of nasal cavity.
L orbit rectangular; R orbit circular. Lacrimal fos-
sae tall s/i, long a/p, and deep; weak anterior and
more pronounced posterior lacrimal crests arc above
fossa. Infraorbital groove was apparently short (indi-
cating a long infraorbital canal). Inferior orbital mar-
gins thickened and somewhat everted. Infraorbital
foramen on both sides moderately close to inferior or-
bital margin. Infraorbital region slopes down and back
moderately; there is a shallow fossa only around the
infraorbital foramen. Anterior root of zygomatic arch
takes origin well above M1, courses up somewhat
steeply until level of infraorbital foramen, and then
curves strongly laterally. Maxillary tuberosity moder-
ate. As noted on the L, posterior to the maxillary
tuberosity, zygomatic arch appears to course straight
back, enclosing an m/l deep temporal fossa. As seen
on the L, squamosal was apparently moderately long
alp and tall s/i, with arcing suture.
On the R, mandibular condyle is still adherent in ar-
ticular fossa. Auditory meatus relatively small, and sur-
mounted by a low, continuous suprameatal-supramastoid
crest that flows into (broken) posterior root of zygo-
matic arch. Low vaginal process apparently contacts

front of mastoid process. L articular fossa was appar-
ently short a/p, moderately deep, and unbounded
medially. R mastoid process laterally swollen, relatively
short, with stubby tip; posterior margin slopes steeply
down and forward. Mastoid notch apparently was mod-
erately deep. Preserved R half of occipital is smooth;
lacks external occipital protuberance. Lambdoid suture
peaks at lambda. Occipitomastoid crest moderately
elevated. Basiocciput and basisphenoid narrow, and rela-
tively flat externally. Occipital condyles long, lozenge
shaped, with a moderate curve in coronal plane; they
lie quite anteriorly on the round-oval, relatively large,
foramen magnum.
Palate shallow, strongly sloped anteriorly, with
almost vertical sides. Dental arcade broad across
front with somewhat divergent tooth rows. Incisive
foramen not discernible. Pterygoid plates damaged,
but were apparently oriented parallel to one
Coronal suture not well preserved. Posterior half
of sagittal suture shows some deep interdigitation
and two discernible segments. Lambdoid suture with
varied interdigitating denticulations.
Internally, arcuate eminence of petrosal is pro-
nounced on the R, less so on L. Edge of superior
petrous sinus crisp bilaterally.
Pl was apparently larger b/l than P2; both are
longer m/d buccally than lingually with prominent pro-
tocone and grooves coursing buccally from a m/d ori-
ented central groove. P1 paracone large. M1 much
wider b/l than Ps and somewhat wider b/l than M2. All
Ms short m/d. Ml protocone relatively buccally placed;
hypocone large and level with protocone; metacone
generally larger than paracone; postcingulum thick;
buccal side nearly vertical. Unworn LM2 with very
buccally placed protocone, steep lingual slope, truncated
trigon basin, thick preprotocrista around paracone,
thick postprotocrista to metacone, no hypocone, and
some enamel wrinkling on internal aspects of features;
paracone somewhat larger than metacone. RM3 short
m/d; looks like a more transverse version of M2 with
more wrinkling of structures.

Wajak2 (RMNH W-H)
Unreconstructed cranial fragments of varying sizes,
including from upper and lower jaws; each piece
individually numbered; all very weathered. Overall, a
larger individual than Wajak 1. The larger fragments
are described in comparison with Wajak 1.
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