W-H-1. Back of skull with occipital and parietals.
In profile, stronger inward angle at region of superior
nuchal line.
W-H-4. Lower frontal bone to nasion, with supra-
orbital regions and L superior portion of zygoma.
Similar to Wajak 1 with broad glabellar and in-
terorbital regions. Glabella not as protrusive. Glabellar
butterfly lower and more extensive laterally. Internally,
a strong frontal crest.
W-H-20. R mastoid region. Mastoid process larger
and longer, with more a vertical surface facing mastoid
notch. May be an elevation of bone along occipit-
omastoid suture. Auditory meatus small, surmounted
by a low but tall, crest-like swelling. Arcuate eminence
was pro-bably large. Superior petrous sinus probably
W-H-22. Maxilla, broken just above level of floor
of maxillary sinus, with part of L side of nasal
aperture; LC-M3 and RP2 and M2 and 3 present,
moderately worn. Anterior nasal spine thick and not
very protrusive. Blunt lateral nasal crest curves down
and medially to fade out below anterior nasal spine.
Spinal crest apparently absent. Inferior nasal margin
moderately broad and very curved. Floor of nasal
cavity was apparently smooth and flat; a pair of small
incisive fossae lies well forward, almost at margin of
aperture. Nasoalveolar clivus broad, almost flat, and
straight across. As seen on the R, anterior root of
zygomatic arch arises moderately high above M1;
curves gently laterally. As seen on the L, maxillary
sinus confined medially, but extends superiorly along
frontal process of maxilla. Palate moderately narrow at
front, with strongly divergent tooth rows, steep slope
at front, and almost vertical sides. Incisive foramen
was probably quite forwardly placed.
Teeth. Cs tall, long m/d; taper lingually to distinct
tubercle. P1 and P2 similar to Wajak 1. P1 wider b/l
than P2, with broad paracone. Both Ps with buccally
coursing grooves from central groove. LM1 much
larger b/l and m/d than P2 and somewhat larger than
M2. M1 has large hypocone with “conule” in thick
postcingulum; otherwise similar to Wajak 1. LM2
larger than RM2; both similar to Wajak 1, but have
relatively large hypocone with postcingulum and lack
postprotocrista. M3s relatively large with large hypo-
cone; similar to M2s.
W-H-23. Partially reconstructed mandible lacking L
ramus and part of R coronoid process, retaining FU1
and 2, P2-M2, LI1-P1, and M1-3. Relatively large, s/i
tall, m/l thick corpora with “incurvatio man-
dibulae” (i.e ., anterior teeth overhang symphyseal
region). Moderately thick but low midline symphyseal
keel descends from below region of Ils, rapidly
fanning out bilaterally and swelling out anteriorly
(creating large triangular shape), with mental fossae on
either side. Relatively small mental foramen on each
side below P2, behind which corpora thicken
posteriorly. Viewed from below, inferior margin thick-
ens to a “V” at symphysis; digastric fossae not dis-
cernible. Postincisal plane almost vertical, with thick
genial tubercles lying opposite thickened mylohyoid
crests. Anterior edge of the s/i short, a/p long ramus
slopes back gently before assuming a more vertical
position. M3 (now missing) may have been slightly
exposed in front of ramus. Inferior portion of gonial
region was apparently reflected outward as well as
inward; muscle scars not visible. A/p long coronoid
process was probably a bit higher than the a/p thick,
coronally arced condyle (but not as high as in the
reconstruction). Short sigmoid notch is deepest at
midpoint. Sigmoid notch crest terminates at lateral
extremity of condyle. Internally, thick arms of a Y-
shaped crest descend from coronoid process and
condyle, with base blending into a thick, crestlike,
descending mylohyoid line.
Lower Teeth. Worn. I2 thicker b/l and taller
(because neck is lower) than 11; neither has a buccal
curve to crown, but lingual surfaces bear a very low,
centrally placed pillar. Cs tall crowned (low neck) and
parallel sided; bear low lingual pillars with low
margocristids. Pls wedge shaped, narrowing mesially,
lacking metaconid; small anterior and larger posterior
fovea. Both P2s have subequal metaconid and
protoconid, and small posterior fovea and talonid.
Mls very worn; much larger overall than M2, which
is only slightly larger than M3; Mls five cusped, with
an apparently centrally placed hypoconulid; talonid
wider b/l than trigonid. M2s four cusped, with an
m/d long, narrow central groove; buccal cusps worn
(thus sloping buccal side?); lingual cusps compressed
and peripherally placed; grooves between cusps
wrinkled. M3 similar to M2.
Aziz, F. and J. de Vos. 1989. Rediscovery of the Wadjak site
(Java, Indonesia).J. Anthropol. SOC. Nippon 97: 133-144.
Day, M. H. 1965. Guide to Fossil’ Man, 1st ed. London,