The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

60 A F R I c A

concave, and there is an apparently very large but
matrix-filled R frontal sinus that extended at least to
midorbit laterally and probably some way back into
frontal as well. Nasal cavity appears to have been rela-
tively smaU; internal detail is obscured by matrix. As
better preserved on L, the slightly raised temporal line
runs back in a gentle slope from a point that would
have been high up behind orbit, and rises fairly high
before curving down steeply to asterion.
L squamosal is fairly long a/p but very tall s/i, with
a very strongly arced squamosal suture. Parietal notch
was apparently deep and narrow, and tilted inward
slightly. Parietomastoid suture is very short. There is a
very slight cornering of the anterior squamosal into the
temporal fossa, which is deepest just anterior to suture.
It appears that the temporal fossa was not very long
a/p. Alisphenoid is strongly and bluntly cornered in-
ward, delineating an infratemporal fossa. Posterior root
of the zygomatic arch appears to have taken origin just
above auditory meatus. Articular fossae very deep and
long a/p laterally but strongly constricted a/p medi-
ally; they were not closed off by a distinct tubercle.
Anterior wall is fairly vertical and flows on to a low,
slightly laterally curving articular eminence. Tympanic
fissure is large and lies at deepest point in midline of
fossa. Posterior wall is formed by the flattened, some-
what vertical anterior surface of the ectotympanic
tube. As seen on L, vaginal process is low but well de-
fined, and runs along the length of the tube, peaking
slightly around the centrally placed styloid process.
Stylomastoid foramen lies somewhat posterior and
very lateral to the process. Tube may not have been
fully developed laterally. Relatively large carotid fora-
men is quite medially positioned, and the large jugular
foramen lies well posterolaterally. Moderately large
foramen ovale lies at the base of the lateral pterygoid
plate, and the foramen spinosum lies well postero-
lateral to it, being formed between the region of the
sphenotemporal suture and the petrosal.
Mastoid processes very damaged but were appar-
ently very bulky at their bases. Medial to them are a/p
long, moderately wide mastoid notches that run at an
angle toward stylomastoid foramen. Medial to the

notches lie long, pronounced occipitomastoid crests,
and medial and somewhat posterior to these are
Waldeyer’s crests that curve posteriorly inward to flow
into inferior nuchal lines.
The very long lambdoid suture slopes gently up
and back from asterion to arc broadly across lambda.
Occipital plane is extremely wide but not very tall s/i,
and is undercut by nuchal plane. Superior nuchal line
is confined to medial portion of occipital, but becomes
increasingly well defined medially. Damaged region of
the external occipital protuberance lies well under the
skull, and forms the peak of the bow-shaped superior
nuchal line. From this region, a low but well-defined
external occipital crest extends almost to the rim of
the foramen magnum. Posteriorly on either side of
this crest, just anterior to superior nuchal lines, lies a
pair of deeply excavated, ovoid depressions. Foramen
magnum is damaged, but was large and probably sub-
circular. Its anterior rim lies behind the axis of the ar-
ticular fossae, and the condyles lay far forward along
it. Basiocciput is very broad and seems to have tapered
only slightly anteriorly. Its surface is quite featureless,
and it angles up and forward only slightly.
As far as can be judged, palate was quite small.
Sagittal suture is completely obliterated, a factor that
may be related developmentally to the great width of the
skull. Coronal and lambdoid sutures are visible; both are
very poorly denticulated and essentially unsegmented.


Brauer, G. and R. Leakey. 1986a. A new archaic Homo
sapiens cranium from Eliye Springs, West Turkana, Kenya.
Z. Morph. Anthopol. 76: 245-252.
Brauer, G. and R. Leakey. 1986b. The ES-11693 cranium
from Eliye Springs, West Turkana, Kenya. J: Hum. Ewol.
15: 289-312.

National Museums of Kenya, I? 0. Box 40658, Nairobi,
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