The Human Fossil Record. Volume 2 Craniodental Morphology of Genus Homo (Africa and Asia)

(Ben Green) #1

64 A F K I c: A

were deep. Superior nuchal line low, slightly rugose,
laterally thickened into a band, and medial to a very
large thickening that lies level with asterion. Inferior
margin of this band is defined by a muscle scar that in
turn forms the border of a broad, shallow, ovoid de-
pression. Angle between nuchal and occipital planes is
quite obtuse. Nuchal plane angles gently forward. In-
ternally, depression for L occipital lobe large and
deep; below it is a well-impressed groove for trans-
verse sinus. Depression for L cerebellar lobe not as
deep as for occipital lobe. Just lateral to depression for
occipital lobe is part of a well-marked groove for
sagittal sinus.

Larger Mandibular Fragment
Symphysis from region of alveolus of LI1 to alveolus
of RP2. All intervening alveoli preserved, but no
teeth or even roots. Symphyseal profile moderately
deep, angled slightly forward as it descends. About
two-thirds down what is preserved of symphysis, an-
terior face angles back to inferior margin, producing
low bulge in profile. Most salient point of bulge lies
well above inferior margin. Trace of low keel above
bulge. Slight depression under root of 12. Inferior
margin smooth and appears to curve smoothly in a
moderate arc across symphysis. Symphysis thickest
a/p quite far above inferior margin (in contrast to
specimen below). Inferior margin is of uniform
thickness from side to side. M/1 wide, s/i somewhat
tall, backwardly facing, and well-marked digastric
fossa preserved on R. R fossa separated from incom-
plete L counterpart by a small tubercle. Small mental
foramen lies quite high up, below septum between
P1 and P2. Internal aspect of symphyseal region very
vertical, with only a slight convex curve to it (thus,
postincisal plane forms an almost vertical wall, and
cross-section resembles a narrow, elongate oval).
Genial pit shallow and broad, interrupting inner sur-
face about midway down back of symphysis. Two low
genial crests lie within a pit. Alveoli for 11s smaller
and slightly more laterally compressed than for R12.
Single premolar alveoli subequal in size and tilted
slightly forward. C alveolus largest of all.

Smaller Mandibular Fragment
Much smaller symphyseal fragment, confined to this
region. Only very tips of I and C alveoli preserved.
Low, broad keel descends from region below 11s;
quickly broadens into very wide triangular elevation
that becomes most salient close to inferior border.
Shallow depressions lie on either side of keel, and be-
low 12s and more laterally. Postincisal plane vertical,
resulting in a sharply upwardly tapering cross-section.
Seen from below, symphysis is thickest at midline.
This thick point lies close to inferior margin, which,
as seen on L, tapers laterally. Two very tiny digastric
fossae lie more inferiorly than posteriorly.


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Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen, Institut fur Ur- und
Fruhgeschichte, Schloss Hohentubingen, 72070 Tubingen,
Germany (Eyasi 1); National Museum of Tanzania,
PO. Box 511, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania (Eyasi 2 and 3).
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