conchal crest on preserved part of R inferior nasal wall.
Maxillary sinus comes quite low down into anterior
tooth region; does not extend far into preserved R
zygoma, and may have penetrated into bone anterior to
lacrimal groove. No trace of zygomaticomaxillary suture.
Two sides of palate are probably mounted too far
apart. From L, it seems there was smooth curve across
front (little else discernible). Palate was probably not
very deep at front (this may have been affected by
bony resorption due to abscessing, slightly visible on
R in region of C). Anterior to inferoanterior root of
zygomatic arch is a broad, shallow fossa.
Third cranial fragment has thick inner and outer
tables and diploe. It is generally uninformative.
Isolated RM3 is of moderate size, quite worn,
with missing enamel mesiolingually, and three roots
unseparated to their tips. Crown essentially subtrian-
gular, with barely swollen hypocone region.
Drennan, M. 1935. The Florisbad skull. S. Al. J. Sci. 32:
Drennan, M. 1937. The Florisbad skull and brain cast.
Dreyer, T. 1935. A human skull from Florisbad. Proc.
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skull as revealed by its non-metrical features. Am J. Phys.
Anthropol. 23: 1-16.
Grun, R. et al. 1996. Direct dating of Florisbad hominid.
Nature 382: 500-501.
Rightmire, P. 1978. Florisbad and human population succes-
sion in Southern Africa. Am.J Phys. Anthropol. 48: 475-486.
Singer, R. 1958. The Rhodesian, Florisbad and Saldanha
skulls. In: G. von Koenigswald (ed), Hundert Jahre
Neanderthaler. Utrecht, Keminck en Zoon, pp. 52-62.
Tobias, P. 1968. Middle and early Upper Pleistocene mem-
bers of the genus Homo in Africa. In: G. Kurth (ed),
Evolution und Hominization, 2nd ed. Stuttgart, Gustav
Fischer, pp. 176-194.
Trans R. Sol. S. Afr. 25: 89-120.
Acad. Sci. Amst. 38: 119-128.
Clarke, R. 1985. A new reconstruction of the Florisbad
cranium, with notes on the site. In: E. Delson (ed),
Ancestors: The Hard Ewidence. New York, Alan R. Liss, pp.
National Museum, Box 266, Bloemfontein 9300, South