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154 Chapter 8

Dangerous blood clots are more common
in people who have cancer or blood
poisoning (septicemia). Although the
reason wasn’t clear, medical researchers
once suspected it might have something
to do with inflammation, which is part
of the body’s response to infection or
the onset of cancer. Now scientists
in Germany have identified genetic changes triggered by
inflammation that block feedback mechanisms which normally
shut down the activity of thrombin. As described in Section 8.7,
this enzyme promotes the formation of a clot’s fibrin net. When
normal controls on thrombin go awry, blood clots are much more
likely to form. Thrombin also promotes the formation of new
blood vessels that cancerous tumors need to grow. In the not-
too-distant future, drugs and other therapies that slow “runaway”
thrombin production may be powerful new tools in treating
clotting associated with cancer and other diseases as well.

Eye of Science/Science Source

  1. Add the missing labels to this diagram of hemoglobin.
    Then, on a separate sheet of paper, list the factors that
    affect the tendency of hemoglobin to bind with oxygen.
    6. Blood typing determines the particular on a
    a. antibodies; white blood cells
    b. self markers; red blood cells
    c. antibodies; red blood cells
    d. self markers; white blood cells
    7. The formation of a blood clot.
    a. is an alternative to hemostasis
    b. can occur only through an intrinsic mechanism that
    involves substances in the blood itself
    c. is just one of several mechanisms of hemostasis
    d. relies on the action of a single clotting factor
    8. Match the blood terms with the best description.
    red blood cell a. plug leaks
    platelets b. blood markers
    stem cell c. blood cell source
    plasma d. erythrocyte
    A, B, O e. more than half of
    whole blood

CritiCaL tHinKing

  1. Thrombocytopenia (throm-bo-sye-tow-pee-ne-ah)
    is a disorder that develops when certain drugs,
    bone marrow cancer, or radiation destroys red bone
    marrow, including stem cells that give rise to platelets.
    Predict a likely symptom of this disorder.

  2. As the text described, when a person’s red blood cell count
    drops, the kidneys receive less oxygen. In response they
    release erythropoietin, which prompts the bone marrow
    to make more red blood cells. As the rising number of red
    blood cells carry more oxygen to the kidneys, they stop
    releasing the hormone. What type of homeostatic control
    mechanism are we talking about here?

  3. Blood-feeding insects such as mosquitoes inject an
    anticoagulant into the victim’s bloodstream. How does
    this benefit the insect?

  4. What is an agglutination response? How can it be avoided
    when blood is transfused?

  5. What is the function of hemostasis? What are the two ways
    a blood clot can form?

seLF-Quiz Answers in Appendix VI

  1. Which of the following statements about blood plasma
    is/are accurate?
    a. Blood plasma is mostly water.
    b. Blood plasma transports only a few substances,
    including blood cells, several proteins, and some
    c. Blood plasma transports blood cells, as well as proteins
    and many other substances.
    d. Molecules of albumin make up the majority of blood
    plasma proteins.

  2. The produces red blood cells, which transport
    and some.
    a. liver; oxygen; mineral ions
    b. liver; oxygen; carbon dioxide
    c. bone marrow; oxygen; hormones
    d. bone marrow; oxygen; carbon dioxide

  3. The produces white blood cells, which function in
    a. liver; oxygen transport; defense
    b. lymph glands; oxygen transport; stabilizing pH
    c. bone marrow; day-to-day housekeeping; defense
    d. bone marrow; stabilizing pH; defense

  4. In the lungs, the main factor in boosting the tendency of
    hemoglobin to bind with and hold oxygen is.
    a. temperature c. acidity (pH)
    b. the amount of O 2 relative to d. all are equally
    the amount of CO 2 in plasma important

  5. Which of the following statements about red blood cells
    is false?
    a. They live about 120 days before being replaced.
    b. They lack a nucleus and other organelles when they
    are mature.
    c. They are replaced when the hormone EPO stimulates
    stem cells in bone marrow.
    d. They are replaced as part of a negative feedback loop in
    which kidney cells monitor blood oxygen levels.
    e. All the above statements are true except b, because all
    cells require a nucleus in order to function properly.

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