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CeLL reprOduCtIOn 371

section 18.8 Meiosis contributes
to genetic variation. Crossing over during
prophase I creates new combinations of genes
in chromosomes. Random alignment of pairs
of homologues at metaphase I results in new
combinations of maternal and paternal traits.

revieW Questions

  1. Define somatic cell and germ cell.

  2. What is a chromosome? What is the difference between a
    diploid cell and a haploid cell?

  3. What are homologous chromosomes?

  4. Name the four main stages of mitosis, and describe what
    happens in each stage.

  5. In the diagram above, summarize the main events
    in meiosis.

  6. In a paragraph, summarize the similarities and differences
    between mitosis and meiosis.

seLF-Quiz Answers in Appendix VI

  1. DNA, packaged in chromosomes, is distributed to daughter
    cells by or.

  2. Each kind of organism contains a characteristic number
    of in each cell; each of those structures is composed
    of a molecule and proteins.

  3. A pair of chromosomes that are similar in length and the
    traits they govern are called.
    a. diploid chromosomes
    b. mitotic chromosomes
    c. homologous chromosomes
    d. germ chromosomes

  4. Somatic cells have a number of chromosomes.
    5. Interphase is the stage when.
    a. a cell ceases to function
    b. a germ cell forms its spindle
    c. a cell grows and duplicates its DNA
    d. mitosis takes place
    6. After mitosis, each daughter cell contains genetic
    instructions that are and chromosome
    number of the parent cell.
    a. identical to the parent cell’s; the same
    b. identical to the parent cell’s; one-half the
    c. rearranged; the same
    d. rearranged; one-half the
    7. All of the following are stages of mitosis except.
    a. prophase
    b. interphase
    c. metaphase
    d. anaphase
    8. A duplicated chromosome has chromatids.
    a. one c. three
    b. two d. four
    9. Crossing over in meiosis.
    a. occurs between sperm DNA and egg DNA at
    b. leads to genetic recombination
    c. occurs only rarely
    10. Because of the alignment of homologous
    chromosomes during meiosis, gametes can end up with
    mixes of maternal and paternal chromosomes.
    a. unvarying; different c. random; duplicate
    b. unvarying; duplicate d. random; different
    11. Match the stage of mitosis with the following key events.
    metaphase a. sister chromatids separate
    prophase and move to opposite poles
    telophase b. chromosomes condense and
    anaphase a microtubular spindle forms
    c. chromosomes decondense,
    daughter nuclei re-form
    d. chromosomes line up at a
    spindle equator

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