I-34 Index
Nerve tracts, 246, 251
Nervous system. See also entries
under Nerve
aging and, 349
brain role in, 248, 248f, 249f,
252–257, 252f–257f (See
also Brain)
cardiovascular system interaction,
137, 261
central, 248, 248f, 250
development of, 334–335, 334f, 335f
digestive system interaction, 207,
207f, 211, 261
n disorders of, 258–259, 258f, 259f
endocrine system interaction, 240,
244, 250, 250f, 261, 286, 290–291,
290f, 291f, 301
in homeostasis, 248, 253, 261
immune system interaction, 261
integumentary system
interaction, 261
lymphatic system interaction, 261
muscular system interaction,
110–111, 110f, 111f, 112, 113f,
114, 115, 117, 128, 240, 244, 244f,
246–247, 247f, 248f, 250–251,
250f, 254, 254f, 255f, 258, 261
nervous tissue in, 73, 76, 76f, 85t
neuron role in, 240–245, 240f–245f
overview of, 77f, 248, 248f, 249f,
250–251, 250f
peripheral, 248, 248f
reproductive system interaction, 261
respiratory system interaction,
186–187, 186f, 187f, 191, 261
sensory system interaction, 255,
257, 257f, 261, 266–279, 266f,
267f, 279f
skeletal system interaction, 100, 261
spinal cord role in, 248, 248f (See also
Spinal cord)
urinary system interaction, 230–231,
231f, 232, 235, 261
n vaccination and, 169
Nervous tissue, 73, 76, 76f, 85t
n Neuralgia, trigeminal, 248
Neural plate, 335, 335f
Neural tube, 334, 334f, 335, 335f,
338f–339f, 344–345
n Neural tube defects, 344–345, 344f
n Neurobiological disorders (NBDs),
400, 400f
n Neurofibrillary tangles, 349
n Neurofibromatosis, 401t
Neuroglia (glial cells), 73, 73f, 240,
245, 246, 246f, 248, 251,
264, 331
cancer in, 258, 258f, 431, 435
Neuromodulators, 245, 259
Neuromuscular junctions, 110f, 111,
111f, 113f, 244, 244f, 246, 247f
Neuron(s), 73, 73f
aging and, 349
in brain, 252
cells of, 43f
chemical signaling by, 241f, 244–245,
244f, 245t
communication through, 240–245,
240f–244f, 245t
dendrites of, 73
development of, 331
electrical signal transmission
by, 240–241, 241f, 242–243,
in eye, 279, 279f
hormone secretion by, 286, 290, 296
interneurons, 240, 240f, 246, 247, 248,
251, 267f, 268, 279, 279f
motor. See Motor neurons
and muscle control, 73, 110, 110f,
111, 111f, 112, 113f
nerve impulses from, 240–241, 241f,
242–243, 242f–243f
in nerves, 246, 246f, 246t
nervous system role of, 240–245,
n neurological disorders and, 258
number of, 248
n nutrition and, 214
postganglionic, 250
preganglionic, 250
processes of, 73
psychoactive substances and, 260
regrowth, research on, 264
in respiratory center, 186, 186f
sensory, 240, 240f, 246, 247, 247f,
250, 266–267, 266f, 267f, 268,
270, 270f, 271, 272f–273f, 273,
274, 274f, 277, 279, 279f
structure and function of, 240–241,
240f, 241f
and synaptic integration, 245,
247, 250
types of, 240, 240f
Neurotransmitters, 111, 111f, 244–245,
244f, 245t, 258, 259, 260, 273,
286, 286t, 349
Neurulation, 335, 335f
Neutral traits, 442
Neutrons, 16, 16f, 17
Neutrophils, 142f, 143, 143f, 157, 157f,
160, 160f, 162
Newborns. See Neonates
New world monkeys, 450f
n Niche (ecological), 460
n Nickel, as carcinogen, 430t, 435
Nicotine, 135, 140, 177, 188, 253, 260,
260f, 271. See also Tobacco smoke
n Night blindness, 278
n NIMBY (“not in my backyard”)
attitude, 481
Nitric acid, 476
Nitric oxide, 245, 476
n Nitrification, 468, 468f
Nitrite, 468, 468f
agricultural use, 482
as component of organisms, 16,
16f, 19
in early atmosphere, 454
as metabolic waste, 225, 235
molecular, 20
partial pressure, 180, 180f
structure of, 19
Nitrogen cycle, 468, 468f
Nitrogen dioxide, 476
n Nitrogen fixation, 468, 468f
n Nitrogen narcosis, 181
Nitrogen oxides, 476, 476f
Nitrous oxide, 468
Nits, of crab lice, 323
NK (natural killer) cells, 166, 169,
429, 435
Nociceptors (pain), 266, 268
n Nonaerobic exercise, 66
Noncoding DNA, 416
Nondisjunction, 398–399, 398f, 399f
n Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 431f
Nonoxynol-9, 323
n Nonpoint pollution source, 475
Nonpolar covalent bonds, 21, 21f
Nonrenewable energy sources,
484, 484f
n Nonrenewable resources, 475
Nonshivering heat production,
83, 83f
n Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs), 87, 209, 234
Nonsteroid hormones, 288–289,
288t, 289f
Norepinephrine, 244–245, 245t, 258,
260, 287f, 288t, 292t, 296
Nose, 178, 270–271, 271f
n Nosocomial infections, 153, 173
n ”Not in my backyard” (NIMBY)
attitude, 481
Notochord, 334
n NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs), 87,
209, 234
Nuclear envelope, 44f, 48, 48f, 49f,
358, 359f
Nuclear pores, 48, 48f, 49f
n Nuclear power, 484f, 485, 485f
Nuclear reactors, and cancer risk, 429
Nucleic acids, 39t
digestion byproducts, 225
digestion of, 202, 204, 205f, 205t
structure of, 36, 36f
as type of biological molecule, 26
Nucleolus, 44f, 48, 48f
Nucleoplasm, 48, 48f
Nucleosome, 354f
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