Biology Today — May 2017

(WallPaper) #1


• They are minute, fibrous and tubular structures that form the structural framework inside the cell and maintain shape of cell,
regulate orientation and distribution of cell organelles, intracellular transport and cellular movement.
Cytoskeletal Structures


6 nm

• Long, narrow protein filaments,
made up of actin, occur in plant
and animal cells.
• Often associate to form hexagonal
• Generally occur below plasma
membrane and are connected with
spindle fibres, ER, chloroplasts, etc.
• Associated with cleavage furrow at
the time of cytokinesis in animal
• Present in myofibrils of muscle
• Form contractile machinery of
cell which aids in motility like
pseudopodia, plasma membrane
undulations, endocytosis, cytoplasmic
streaming and movement of cell
organelles, microvilli formation,

8-10 nm
Intermediate filament

Intermediate filaments
• Unbranched, about 10 nm thick, made up
of variety of proteins often arranged in a
• They are of four types:
(a) Keratin filaments - Form tonofibrils
of desmosomes and keratin of skin
(b) Neurofilaments - Form lattice with
bundles of microtubules in axons and
dendrons of nerve cells to provide strength
(c) Glial filaments - Found in astrocytes
(d) Heterogeneous filaments - Found in
muscles, around nucleus and connected
to centriole, plasmalemma, etc.
• Provide support to all biomembranes
including plasma membrane and nuclear
membrane, sarcomeres, desmosomes.
• Also provide mechanical strength to
axons and dendrons of nerve cells and

Three types are

• Unbranched, hollow tubules of protein
• Present in cytoplasm and is constituent
of spindle fibres, chromosome, centrioles,
basal bodies, flagella, cilia, sperm tail,
• Diameter is 25 nm with lateral projection
of 100 – 400A° length.
• Help in intracellular transport, movement
of nuclei during division, movement
of chromosomes during anaphase and
movement of cilia and flagella.
• Determine the place of cell plate
• Play a vital role during differentiation.

Section of a


a and b tubulin

a-tubulin b-tubulin

• They are hair-like microscopic locomotory structures.

• Both are structurally similar and have similar parts:

  • Basal body or Kinetosome - It is also called basal granule. Basal body occurs embedded in the outer part of
    the cytoplasm below the plasma membrane. It has nine triplet fibrils present on the periphery without a central fibril,
    though a hub of protein is present. Only sub-fibre A is complete (having 13 protofilaments) while sub-fibres B and C
    are incomplete as they share some of their protofilaments.

  • Rootlets - They are striated fibrillar outgrowths which develop from the outer lower part of the basal body and are
    meant for providing support to the basal body. The rootlets are made of bundles of microfilaments.

  • Basal plate - It is an area of high density which lies above the basal body at the level of plasma membrane. In the
    region of basal plate, one sub-fibre of each peripheral fibril disappears. The central fibrils develop in this area.

  • Shaft - It is the hair-like projecting part of flagellum or cilium. The shaft is covered on the outside by a sheath which
    is the extension of plasma membrane. Internally, it contains a semifluid matrix having an axoneme of 9 peripheral
    doublet fibrils and 2 central singlet fibrils. This arrangement is called 9 + 2 or 11-stranded. The two central singlet fibres
    are covered by a proteinaceous central sheath. They are connected by a double bridge. Each peripheral fibril consists
    of two microtubules or sub-fibres B and A. The sub-fibre A bears two bent arms, the outer one having a hook made
    up of protein dynein with ATPase activity. Movement of flagella or cilia occurs due to sliding motion in which dynein
    arm establishes temporary connection with subtubule B of adjacent doublet fibre. The peripheral doublet fibrils are
    interconnected by A-B linkers of protein nexin between B sub-fibre of one and inner side arm of A sub-fibre of adjacent
    fibril. Each of their A sub-fibres sends a radial proteinaceous column to the centre which is called spoke.

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