Biology Today — May 2017

(WallPaper) #1

Addiction and Dependence
• Addiction is a psychological attachment to certain effects such as euphoria and a temporary feeling of well-being that is
associated with drugs and alcohol.

• Dependence is an adaptive state that develops from repeated drug administration. It can result in withdrawal syndrome
(anxiety, nausea, shivering), if the drug is abruptly discontinued.

• Effects/symptoms of drug abuse include reckless behaviour, vandalism, violence, socially inactive, lack of concentration, etc.

Prevention and Control

• Psychologists, psychiatrists, deaddiction and rehabilitation specialists are available to help individuals who fall in the trap of drug,
tobacco or alcohol abuse.
• Teachers and parents should always be careful to look for and identify danger signs that can indicate tendency to go in for addiction.

• Avoid undue pressure on child.

  1. Read the following statements regarding dengue and
    choose the correct option given below.
    I. It is caused by Flavi-ribo virus.
    II. The virus is transmitted by Anopheles mosquito.
    III. Incubation period is 7-14 days.
    IV. This disease is also known as break bone fever.
    (a) I, III and IV (b) I and IV
    (c) II, III and IV (d) I and III

  2. Read the following statements.
    A. Antibody consists of 6 peptide chains, four small and
    two long.
    B. Active immunity provides immediate relief.
    C. Primed cells remain dormant until activated once again
    by a new quantity of same antigen.
    D . Dendritic cells are non-phagocytic in nature.
    Of the above statements,
    (a) A and B are correct (b) A, B and D are correct
    (c) C and D are correct (d) B and C are correct.

  3. A drug addict showing symptoms of drowsiness, lethargy,
    decreased weight and loss of interest in work. He is most
    probably addicted to
    (a) amphetamines (b) marijuana
    (c) cocaine (d) heroin.

  4. Read the given statements and select the correct option.

Statement A : A person, who has undergone an organ
transplant, is given immunosuppressive drugs.

Statement B : Immunosuppressive drugs suppress the
immune system from rejecting the transplanted organ.
(a) Both statements A and B are correct and statement B
is the correct explanation of statement A.
(b) Both statements A and B are correct but statement B is
not the correct explanation of statement A.

(c)  Statement A is correct but statement B is incorrect.
(d) Both statements A and B are incorrect.

  1. The cancers that are located in connective and muscular
    tissues derived from mesoderm are called
    (a) myomas (b) melanomas
    (c) sarcomas (d) lipomas.

  2. Nicotine is a component in tobacco products that stimulates
    the release of
    (a) dopamine (b) adrenaline
    (c) histamine (d) serotonin.

  3. Chagas disease is caused by A and it is transmitted by B.
    A B
    (a) Trypanosoma gambiense, Glossima palpalis
    (b) Trypanosoma gambiense, triatomids
    (c) Trypanosoma rhodesiense, Glossima morsitans
    (d) Trypanosoma cruzi, triatomids

  4. Identify the mismatched pair.
    (a) Tetanus toxoid - Active immunisation
    (b) Antivenom serum - Passive immunisation
    (c) Vaccine - Passive immunisation
    (d) Salk’s polio vaccine - Active immunisation

  5. Kala-azar disease is transmitted by
    (a) Dracunculus (b) Phlebotomus
    (c) Trypanoma (d) Balantidium.

  6. Study the given figure
    showing interactions
    between antigens,
    antibodies and cell
    involved in an allergic
    reaction. Identify A, B and
    C and choose the correct

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