Exotic Brome-Grasses in Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems of the Western US

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and in combination, infl uences the invasion of B. tectorum in the USA under global
climate change will need to be assessed (Reusch and Wood 2007 ; Salamin et al.
2010 ; Nicotra et al. 2010 ) if this most noxious member of Bromus section Genea is
to be curbed.

Acknowledgments It would not have possible to conduct the research summarized in this chapter
without the assistance of countless people who over the years collected population samples of
B. tectorum around the world. We thank them all. In addition, we thank our graduate students at
Washington State University and Boise State University who have played a major role in many of
these studies: Elizabeth Bartlett, Morgan Valliant, Lauren Schachner, Temsha Huttanus, and
Angela Pawlak. We gratefully thank Rich Scott for his work on the fi gures (maps) presented in this
chapter, and we especially thank him for his interest in this research over the years. SJN completed
portions of this chapter while on sabbatical leave at and visiting the European Biological Control
Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Montferrier-sur-Lez, France. He is extremely grateful to the personnel of
this laboratory, especially Rene Francois Henri Sforza, Daniel Strickman, and Kim Hoelmer, for
the opportunity to work at the lab.


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S.J. Novak and R.N. Mack
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