Bio Spectrum August 2017

(vip2019) #1

(^18) WORLD NEWS l BioSpectrum | August 2017 |
A new programme at Baylor
University Medical Center at Dallas
allows clinicians and researchers
to collaborate directly on the early
detection and prevention of esophageal
cancer and other esophageal diseases.
The programme equips clinicians
and researchers alike to investigate a
wide range of esophageal conditions,
such as gastroesophageal reflux
disease and Barrett’s esophagus,
a chronic complication of GERD.
Funded by the National Institutes
of Health and Baylor Scott & White
Health Research Institute, the
programme has been designed with
advanced clinical and lab equipment
as well as a patient-oriented care team.
Clinicians engage in translational
research, working alongside
researchers in both clinical and lab
settings to better understand the
development of diseases, improve
patient care and determine new
methods for early detection and
Science Exchange’s outsourced R&D platform has
already been used by big biopharma names such as
GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb and
Roche. Now, through an agreement with biotech
accelerator IndieBio, the company is offering the same
services to some startups.
The partnership will give IndieBio-backed startups
access to Science Exchange’s network of more than
2,500 R&D service providers, which includes renowned
research institutions and major CROs like Covance,
Charles River and WuXi AppTec. This will potentially
help level the playing field for these fledgling companies
with established industry leaders.
To sweeten the deal, these startups will also enjoy
some exclusively customized services, including on-
site scientific support and specialized training services.
Science Exchange manages a company’s ongoing
outsourced R&D activities on the platform through a
central system, and when milestones are complete, it
can take care of billing and payment. Based in downtown
San Francisco, IndieBio offers a four-month biotech
acceleration program, which provides $250,000 in
funding, mentorship, as well as working space and
biosafety level 1 & 2 labs. The firm has nurtured 67
biotech startups since its initiation in March 2015.
Nestlé Health Science and Enterome are jointly
creating Microbiome Diagnostics Partners
(MDP), which aims to lead the development and
commercialization of innovative microbiome-
based diagnostics. Microbiome Diagnostics
Partners (MDP) will be a 50:50 joint venture
between Enterome and Nestlé Health Science.
It holds the potential to transform therapeutic
approaches across a broad
spectrum of challenging
health conditions,
including inflammatory
bowel diseases (IBD)
and liver diseases. The
partnership follows Nestlé
Health Science’s initial
investment announced in
April 2016.
MDP’s initial focus
will be accelerating
Enterome’s diagnostic programs, which include
IBD 110 for the assessment and management of
mucosal healing and MET210 for NASH (non-
alcoholic steatohepatitis). Current standard
of care for these conditions include invasive
procedures such as endoscopy and biopsies,
rather than a non-invasive stool/serum combined
Dx tests that will be developed by MDP.
Future innovation efforts will leverage
advanced microbial and serum-based metabolic
technologies developed respectively at Enterome
and Nestlé Health Science’s diagnostics arm
Prometheus Laboratories.
Nestle Health Science
joins hands with Enterome
Science Exchange to provide
R&D platform for startups
Baylor University introduces new research programme

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