The Lotus japonicus Genome

(Steven Felgate) #1

annotations (if available) associated with each
plant line. The gene annotation table was con-
structed by performing BLAST search using
ab initio gene predictions against NCBI nr data-
base (
away statistically insignificant matches.
In order to access the full information fetched
for individual plant line of interest after searches
have been performed, users are recommended to
download the search results, which contains the
full column set of returned database results enco-
ded in spreadsheet-program friendlyfile formats.
Once users have identified LORE1 lines of
interest, they can place orders on these lines
through the order page (
pmgrp/order.php). Each order is tagged with a
unique, randomly generated 32-character

hexadecimal-order identification code that allows
easy yet secure tracking of individual orders. Users
may also access the order history of individual
lines (
php), but will not be able to search specifically
for individuals who have placed orders through
our resource owing to privacy restrictions.

The Lotus basic local alignment search tool
[BLAST, available at
pmgrp/blast/, accessible via“Tools,” Fig.23.5
(2)] can be used to perform searches against
LORE1flanking sequences and theL. japonicus
genome version 2.5. The tool is constructed
based on the legacy wwwblast tool suite by

Fig. 23.6 The full set of search options made available
to the end user on the LORE1 line search page, accessible
via the LORE1 link [Fig.23.5(1)]. The end user will be
(1) prompted to select the appropriate database before
being presented with either (2) the option to search lines

by BLAST headers retrieved from a BLAST search
against LORE1flanking sequence database(s), or (3) the
option to search LORE1 lines by plant ID, chromosome,
position, gene ID or annotation, or a combination thereof

266 H. Hirakawa et al.

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