Bioethics Beyond Altruism Donating and Transforming Human Biological Materials

(Wang) #1

194 C. Kroløkke and M.N. Petersen

managing the reproductive labour involved in carrying and giving birth
to the child by privileging instead genetic intimacy and reproductive
Accordingly, bio-intimacy entangles with biotechnologies and an
affective economy of desire, intent, and hope, conceptualised by Rose
( 2007 ) as characteristic of the new citizenship projects. To him, citizen-
ship is less linked to nationality and more to genomics and biology. In
line with this way of thinking and in our discussion section, we view
UT and surrogacy as reproductive citizenship projects embedded within
a shared biology of sorts (individuals with no functioning uterus), an
affective economy of hope and desire (the hope for pregnancy and the
desire for a child), and, as also noted by feminist scholarship, a neo-
liberal ideology in which the individual exercises his/her reproductive
rights and choice to become a legitimate (active and responsible) repro-
ductive citizen. But first a brief overview of the methods employed in
this chapter.

Methodology and Analytical Framework

Empirically this chapter combines Danish and Swedish media texts
on UT and surrogacy. In the case of UT, we used the word ‘livmoder’
(English: uterus) and ‘transplantation’, and the database search gen-
erated 365 results that were written in either Danish or Swedish.
The comparable search using words for surrogacy generated 4010
Danish and 2760 Swedish articles and debates. Clearly, surrogacy is
a more debated topic than UT due to its illegality in both countries.
Additionally, several recent television documentaries have problema-
tised the plight of infertile couples in lieu of the surrogates’ economic
interests, making commercial surrogacy in particular a popular as well as
contested topic.
We used discourse analysis as a method (Laclau and Mouffe 1985 )
to understand how UT and surrogacy obtain and circulate meaning
and to organise and map the material. All articles were screened accord-
ing to relevance and date. We included articles specifically on UT or
surrogacy while articles mentioning the search words in other themes
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