Bioethics Beyond Altruism Donating and Transforming Human Biological Materials

(Wang) #1
8 Keeping it in the Family: Debating the Bio-Intimacy ... 195

were excluded. Likewise, we excluded articles that replicated other arti-
cles already in the material, and we excluded short articles that did not
elaborate on the topic, while we included longer articles and opinion
pieces that articulated and discussed ethics and politics around UT or
surrogacy. This screening narrowed the empirical material to include a
total of 22 articles on UT along with three international responses to
the Swedish UTx project (written in English) and a total of 64 arti-
cles on surrogacy. The articles were all read with several overall research
questions in mind: how are UT and surrogacy described and responded
to, and what discourses and affects cluster around the uterus as an
exchangeable (whether temporarily as in the case of surrogacy) and
disentangled reproductive part (permanently as illustrated in the UT
cases)? We mapped the material in relation to these questions as well
as how the gift/commodity dichotomy and the altruism/commercialism
dichotomy were articulated in the material. In the case of UT, the mate-
rial appeared more discursively aligned, and consequently, we analysed
this material as one discourse. In the case of surrogacy, the material was
more diverse, and therefore, we mapped this material in relation to the
way the texts construed the ethics of surrogacy, revealing three distinct
discursive positions. These positions were each analysed to lay bare the
specific discourses in each position to understand the order of different
discourses (Jorgensen and Phillips 1999 : 79–80).
In our analysis, we employ the concept of bio-intimacy as a reading
strategy. As we re-read the articles, organised in different discourses, we
analysed the discourses by asking which kinds of bio-intimacies does
this discourse construct? And how do these bio-intimacies frame the
debates? The mapping and analysis are methodological grounded. The
analytical method granted us insights into what goes on, regarding dis-
cursive strategies and the reasons for such structures in particular texts.
In what follows, we first turn to surrogacy, before turning to the debates
centring UT. Whereas the topic of surrogacy was frequently interwoven
into the debates on UT, the articles on surrogacy did not make refer-
ence to UT as a reproductive option. Surrogacy articles revealed, how-
ever, discourses in favour as well as against (commercial) surrogacy and
as such, constitute a diversified data material.

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