The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

Table 3.4 (continued)

Solega name
(complete) Scientifi c name Forest type Use
ku:re pandi giḍa Curculigo

all types Bulbs are dug up and eaten
by pigs
magga:re mara# Randia dumetorum male, ka:nu Porcupines like to eat the
ma:vũ, torre

Mangifera indica male, ka:nu also
na:ḍu near

Fruits eaten by elephants

muḷḷu kappa:li# Scolopia crenata all types Fruits (July) are eaten by
naravalu mara Olea glandulifera. O.
paniculata (syn.)

male, ka:nu Flowers are visited by large
numbers of bees
navila:ḍi mara Vitex regunda (?) na:ḍu Flowers in the early
monsoon, visited by smaller
bee species
na:yĩbela mara Naringi crenulata na:ḍu Unripe fruit can be
poisonous to wild animals,
such as deer
nere mara Vepris bilocularis male, ka:nu Fruits (July) are eaten by
birds; fl owers are visited by
ni:ḷa:lu mara Bischofi a javanica all types Fruits (July/August) are
eaten by birds; fl owers are
visited by bees; leaves are
eaten by the giant and fl ying
sa:gaḍe mara# Schleichera oleosa all types Fruits (July) are eaten by
taṇiki giḍa# Maesa indica male, ka:nu Fruits (July) eaten by bears
and birds
te:kina mara Tectona grandis male Flowers (June/July) visited
in large numbers by
stingless bees ; this is a good
time to harvest stingless
toṭṭi mara Capparis cleghornii na:ḍu Fruits eaten by bears
gumuṭi giḍa# Nicandra physaloides Fruits also eaten by snakes
(especially the cobra)
icci mara Ficus nervosa Fruits eaten by birds
kincaga mara Erythrina indica all types Birds and small animals
drink rainwater out of the
cup-shaped fl owers
oluge mara Terminalia

male Flowers have a soporifi c
effect on bees; said to give
bees a headache, and make
them stop fl ying
soravilu mara Acrocarpus

Bees like the fl owers


3.9 Plant Uses

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