The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1


mononomials ’ from our initial name list were in fact optional binomials , at least for
speakers from some villages. Table 4.2 gives a list of obligate mononomials from
Table 4.1 , which, during the course of the picture elicitation task, were used in con-
junction with the morpheme –hakki.
Some new obligate binomials were also recorded during the picture elicitation
task (Table 4.2 ). Scrutiny of the morphemes that make up such names shows that
binomial names are obligatory when the fi rst morpheme encodes an attribute of the
bird being named—this can include physical appearance (e.g. arsinakki ‘yellow
bird’), behaviour ( mara eḷe hakki ‘tree climb bird’), cultural signifi cance ( sa:vakki
‘death bird’), an associated object, substance or plant ( maṇṇakki ‘mud bird’) or a
god’s name ( ka:raĩyanakki ‘ karaĩya ’s bird). Taking the new data in Table 3.2 into
account, the revised counts and percentages for the different types of names are as

Obligate binomials : 12 (19 %)
Optional binomials : 27 (44 %)
Obligate mononomials : 23 (37 %)

Table 4.2 Selected bird
name s from the picture
elicitation task

Optional binomials
Alternative Solega name Common name
keshṭe hakki Red Spurfowl
marakuṭuka hakki Woodpeckers
gi:ṇanakki Plum-headed Parakeet
goravana hakki Malabar Whistling Thrush
siṭṭe hakki Small passerines
ko:gilakki Asian Koel
koṭrole hakki Red-vented Bulbul
kuggilu hakki Pigeons
pa:piranakki Common Hawk-cuckoo
si:danagari hakki Jungle Babbler
gumusi hakki House Sparrow
New obligate binomials
Solega name Common name
arsinakki Yellow-browed Bulbul
( Acritillas indica )?
ka:rihakki Woodpeckers
ku:sakki, nana ku:so hakki Puff-throated Babbler
ka:raĩyanakki Woodpeckers
mara eḷe hakki Nuthatches
sa:vakki Flameback woodpeckers
‘Optional binomials ’ are those bird name s from
Table 4.1 which were initially considered to be obligate
mononomials. The only exception is ‘sparrow’, which
was initially thought to be an obligate binomial. ‘New
obligate binomials’ are some newly-recorded bird
names that were absent from the initial list

4 Solega Ethno-ornithology
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