The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1

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Table 5.2 (continued)

Geological and biological landscape features
goḍalu The curve of the base of a hill or mountain
gonga:ru Gorge; river valley with steep walls
go:re Steep riverbank
baṇḍe Boulder
bara bu:mi Wasteland with only small plants and gravely substrate
bo:re (kaṭṭu) Gentle slope
bo:ḷi Summit of hill, usually covered with grassland
daddu Deep vertical crevice in mountain rock
dimba Flat land at an elevation, usually covered in forest
paḍuga Flat land covered in bushes
su:ji beṭṭa High pointy mountain peak
hoḍagu Region halfway up a hill slope
kibbari Region halfway up a hill slope
hottu Riverbank
ho:ḍe Rocky terrain with caves and ravines

Hydrological features
aṇṇi Pond or marshy area
abbi Waterfall
aḷḷa Stream
baraḷḷa Dry riverbed
si:raḷḷa Flowing stream
guṇḍi Water hole, usually dug by hand
ba:vi Well
maḍu Large pool at the base of a waterfall
kaḍavu Stream
kere Artifi cial reservoir
kolli Natural spring
koḷa Water collecting at a natural spring, or at the base of a
ju:ḷi Natural spring
dumuki Waterfall
soṇe Cavity on a rock platform that contains water

(benda) kari Ground that has been blackened by fi re
hullu thoṭṭi Land with clumps of grass that have
not been burnt
ma:ḷa Forest clearing, may be dominated by
bailu Forest clearing
Adapted from [166]

5 Landscape Terms in Solega
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