The Traditional Ecological Knowledge of the Solega A Linguistic Perspective

(Dana P.) #1


5.3.4 (H)orrega:ḍu (also na:ḍu ka:ḍu, kutare ga:ḍu)

Immediately following the list of ka:nu ka:ḍu trees, BG went on to contrast that
group of species with those found in the second forest/landscape type, namely
orrega:ḍu. This suggests that the distinction between ka:nu ka:ḍu and orrega:ḍu
might be a major perceptual one, and that (although it was not explicitly stated by
my consultants) it may be possible to group other forest types under these superor-
dinate categories. In the following extract, BG directly compares the two forest
types, providing one key criterion for distinguishing between them:

Extract VIII (S)

(BG) Orrega:ḍu, begga:ḍu, mara kaḍame irta:della, a: ja:ga orrega:ḍu. mara
kaḍame adella, i: ja:ga solpa mara illa, ja:sti illa mara... ella ondu ondu
( Orrega:ḍu , or begga:ḍu , that’s where you fi nd fewer trees. You fi nd fewer
trees, right? Trees are a bit scarce in this place, there aren’t many trees...
they grow scattered here and there.)
(AS) Cikka giḍa ja:sti irutta?
(Are there many small plants?)
(BG) Cikka giḍa ja:sti...doḍda giḍa ja:ga:dalli, adu ka:nu ka:ḍu.
(There are many small plants... where you fi nd big trees, that’s the ka:nu
ka:ḍu .)
Despite the scarcity of large trees, BG is nevertheless able to name several spe-
cies that might be found in an orrega:ḍu. It is noteworthy that the overlap in tree
species between the following list and that provided for the ka:nu ka:ḍu in Extract
VI is minimal. In fact, out of a total of 24 distinct trees named in the two extracts,
only soravilu ( Acrocarpus fraxinifolius ) and hebbe:vu ( Toona ciliata ) were listed as
occurring in both forest types:

Extract IX

(BG) Orrega:ḍinalli e:na:de? Bejja:da mara ade. Gejja, matti, bi:ḍi, soravilu,
hebbe:u, be:nada mara, matte aĩle mara, aḍali mara, a:ga matte nelli,
aṇṭuva:ḷada mara... aṇṭuva:ḷada marada ka:yi ma:ḍtivi~ allava? A:ga
matte innu: sele mara, ba:ge mara...
(What’s there in the orrega:ḍu? There’s the bejja tree ( Anogeissus latifo-
lia ), gejja (?), matti ( Terminalia crenulata ), aṇṭuva:ḷa ( Sapindus laurifo-
lius ) ... we eat the fruit of the aṇṭuva:ḷa tree, don’t we? And then also the
sele tree ( Albizia odratissima ), the ba:ge tree ( Albizia amara )...)
(BG) A: ja:ga:dalli suṇḍrega:ḍi, si:ge ambu, magani be:ru, matte sucilu giḍa,
uruvilu mara, ishṭella be:ka:dashṭu horrega:ḍina:du. Ashṭella illi huṭṭa:dille.

5 Landscape Terms in Solega
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