Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Read the given statements regarding androecium of a flower
    and select the incorrect ones.
    I. Stamen comprises of a stalk-like style and a knob-like
    terminal anther.
    II. Anther is usually dithecous having two lobes attached
    by a sterile connective tissue.
    III. Staminode is an underdeveloped male reproductive
    part but bears functional pollen grains.
    IV. In syngenesious condition, stamens are fused by
    filaments only, anthers remain free and fusion of
    filaments produces many groups.
    (a) II and III (b) II and IV
    (c) I, III and IV (d) I, II and III

  2. Carefully observe the given figure of placentation and identify
    the correct statements regarding it.
    I. It is found in a compound or
    syncarpous ovary. Placenta
    II. Two or more longitudinal
    placentae develop along the
    ovary wall.
    III. The ovule bearing placentae grow inwardly to form
    incomplete septa.
    IV. The ovary is always unilocular in this type of placentation.
    (a) I, II and III (b) III and IV
    (c) I and IV (d) II and IV

  3. From the given table of differences between phylloclade and
    phyllode, identify the correct set of differences.
    Phylloclade Phyllode
    (i) It is a flattened petiole or
    rachis of a leaf performing

It is a modified
green stem capable
of performing
(ii) It arises in the axil of
caducous leaf.

It does not arise in the
axil of leaf.
(iii) It has unlimited growth. Growth is limited.
(iv) It is always vertical in

It can be vertical
or horizontal in its
(v) It is usually succulent and
stores water and food.

It is rarely succulent.

(a) (i), (iii) and (iv) (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii), (iii) and (v) (d) All of these

  1. Study the given figure showing L.S. of cherry fruit and select
    the correct option regarding it.
    (a) The fruit is derived from an
    inferior ovary.
    (b) The fruit wall is differentiated into
    epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp.
    (c) Epicarp and mesocarp are non-edible but endocarp is
    fleshy and edible in this fruit.
    (d) Litchi, Calotropis, Michelia also possess this type of fruit.
    27. Which of the following statements is incorrect for the seed
    shown in the figure?
    (a) It contains a papery structure
    called perisperm which represents
    persistent nucellus.
    (b) It possesses a special food storing
    tissue called endosperm.
    (c) It is a dicotyledonous seed.
    (d) It has an aleurone layer of protein rich cells on the
    outerside of endosperm.
    28. Read the statements regarding the floral diagrams A and B
    and choose the correct one.

(a) A belongs to Family Solanaceae having bicarpellary,
syncarpous, bilocular gynoecium with swollen placenta.
(b) A represents Family Liliaceae with bicarpellary
apocarpous gynoecium having marginal placentation.
(c) B belongs to Family Papilionaceae having special
corolla consisting of a posterior petal called standard,
two lateral petals called wings, two anterior petals
forming a keel.
(d) B belongs to Family Asteraceae having tricarpellary
syncarpous superior ovary and diadelphous condition
of stamen.

  1. In Podostemum, the green flattened structures grow along
    rocks in shallow water and are fixed at intervals by holdfasts
    called haptera. They also bear small flowering shoots at
    intervals. This structure in Podostemum is
    (a) offset (b) phyllode
    (c) floating roots (d) photosynthetic root.

  2. Match column I with column II and select the correct option.
    (There can be more than one match for column I).
    Column I Column II
    (i) Legume A. Larkspur
    (ii) Follicle B. Pea
    (iii) Caryopsis C. Wheat
    (iv) Capsule D. Abrus
    E. Datura
    F. Oat
    G. Cotton
    H. Milkweed
    (a) (i)-B, D; (ii)-A, H; (iii)-C, F; (iv)-E, G
    (b) (i)-A, C; (ii)-B, E; (iii)-D, H; (iv)-F, G
    (c) (i)-C, D; (ii)-E, F; (iii)-A, B; (iv)-G, H
    (d) (i)-A, H; (ii)-B, D; (iii)-C, G; (iv)-E, F

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