Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.

I. Thorns are modified stem structures with vascular
cylinder surrounded by a bark of thick walled cells.
II. Spines are superficial outgrowths of stem or leaves
that do not have vascular supply.
III. Prickles are modified leaves or leaf parts with vascular
supply and can easily be plucked off.
IV. Bristles are stiff hair that become thickened due to
deposition of silica or calcium carbonate.
(a) I, II and III only
(b) III and IV only
(c) I and IV only
(d) I, III and IV only

  1. Which of the following floral diagrams represents complete

actinomorphic flower with valvate aestivation in calyx and
corolla, epipetalous stamens and bicarpellary, syncarpous
superior ovary?

(a) (^) (b)
(c) (d)

  1. Which of the following does not bear compound racemose

(a) Asphodelus
(b) Brassica oleracea
(c) Foeniculum vulgare
(d) Ageratum

  1. Read the given paragraph carefully.

The inflorescence appears as a flower having a small conical

receptacle surrounded by an involucre of coloured bracts
possessing nectariferous glands internally, it contains
pedicellate, achlamydeous, unisexual flowers. Single
female flower is centrally placed surrounded by numerous
centrifugally arranged male flowers.
Select the option which correctly identifies the type of

inflorescence (A) and family (B) in which it is found.
(a) Cymose head Solanaceae
(b) Hypanthodium Moraceae
(c) Verticillaster Labiatae
(d) Cyathium Euphorbiaceae

  1. Refer to the given figure and select the correct option
    regarding its parts labelled P, Q, R and S.
    (a) P occupies most of the interior of P




the grain on the broader and
lower sides.
(b) Q is only one cell thick where
cells have thin walls and dense
cytoplasm filled with starch grains.
(c) S has a terminal pore for
emergence of first leaf during
(d) R is the protective sheath of radicle.

  1. The whole leaf is modified into an open pitcher for storing
    rain water in
    (a) Dischidia (b) Sarracenia
    (c) Nepenthes (d) Utricularia.

  2. The growing point terminates into a flower. Flowers are
    basipetally arranged and open at long intervals and occur
    in groups. Insects cannot pollinate many flowers in one visit.
    This kind of inflorescence is of
    (a) simple racemose (b) compound racemose
    (c) cymose (d) none of these.

  3. The given figure best represents
    (a) an umbel bearing pedicellate
    (b) a typical raceme with an
    elongated peduncle bearing
    pedicellate flowers
    (c) spadix possessing a fleshy
    (d) corymb with an unbranched peduncle bearing
    pedicellate flowers in acropetal manner.

  4. Match column I with column II and select the correct option
    from the given codes.
    Column I Column II
    A. Leaflet tendrils (i) Lens culinaris
    B. Petiolar tendrils (ii) Smilax
    C. Stipular tendrils (iii) Lathyrus aphaca
    D. Rachis tip tendrils (iv) Nepenthes
    E. Whole leaf tendrils (v) Lathyrus odoratus
    (a) A-(v), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(iii), E-(i)
    (b) A-(v), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i), E-(iii)
    (c) A-(iv), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i), E-(v)
    (d) A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(v), E-(iii)

  5. Select the correctly matched pair.
    (a) Trifoliolate leaf – Balanites
    (b) Quadrifoliolate leaf – Butea
    (c) Unifoliolate leaf – Citrus
    (d) Bifoliolate leaf – Bombax

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