Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Refer to the given Venn diagram and select the correct
    option regarding P, Q and R.

It is
a simple dry

It is
single seeded,
indehiscent fruit
bearing membranous,
winged pericarp.

It is
many seeded
dehiscent fruit
where ovary contains
a false septum
called replum.


(a) P is a samaroid fruit present in plants where seeds are
dispersed by the agency of wind.
(b) Q is elongated fruit that dehisces by two valves starting
from base upwards to expose the replum bearing seeds.
(c) R develops from a flower having polycarpellary
apocarpous gynoecium where pericarp remains dry
and undifferentiated.
(d) P could be cypsela present in Sonchus, Q could be
follicle present in larkspur and R could be simple
samara present in Ulmus.

  1. Study the given figures A and B.


Select the option which identifies the correct statements

regarding them.
I. It is a diffused trailer of Euphorbia prostrata that
spreads in one direction only.
II. It is an elongated horizontal stolon of jasmine, the tip
of which grows above the level of ground.
III. It is a runner of Centella asiatica that arises from erect
shoot and bears horizontal or prostrate branches called
IV. It is a stolon of Colocasia, the tip of which does not
come above ground.
(a) I IV
(b) II III
(c) III IV
(d) I III

  1. Refer to the given list of plants and identify how many of these
    possess fruits which are multi-seeded, dry, simple and dehiscent
    in which the pericarp splits open to expose the seeds?
    Ulmus, Sonchus, Maize, Rice, Cashewnut, Candytuft,
    Mustard, Larkspur, Pea, Abrus, Groundnut, Fennel,
    Abutilon, Acacia, Mimosa
    (a) Eight (b) Nine
    (c) Seven (d) Five

  2. Study the given table regarding certain features (i to iv) of
    two plant families: Solanaceae and Fabaceae.


Plant families
Solanaceae Fabaceae
(i) Inflorescence Raceme, spike or
rarely solitary

Axillary or extra- axillary
helicoid cyme
(ii) Flower Complete,

Complete, zygomorphic

(iii) Androecium Stamens five,

Stamens ten,
diadelphous, sometimes
(iv) Gynoecium Bicarpellary
ovary with axile
and swollen

unilocular ovary with
marginal placentation

Which of these features of plant families have been correctly
(a) (i) and (ii) only (b) (ii) only
(c) (i) and (iv) only (d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only

  1. Refer to the given figure of


twigs A and B and select
the option which includes
correct statements regarding
I. Only one leaf is borne on a node and leaves of adjacent
nodes lie roughly towards opposite sides.
II. Two leaves are borne on the opposite sides of a single node.
III. Leaves of the successive nodes lie in same plane
forming two rows on stem as in Syzygium.
IV. Leaves of adjacent nodes lie at right angles forming
four rows of leaves on stem, as in Calotropis.
V. More than three leaves develop from a single node as
in Zinnia.
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