Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  • On the contrary, during unfavourable seasons or inactive period, there is less demand for sap transport as cambium is less
    active and consequently narrower elements are formed. In tropical areas where only one kind of season prevails i.e., long
    dry summers, distinct rings are not formed.

  • The number of annual rings as well as the width of rings formed in successive years vary greatly in plants.

Fig.: Detailed structure of annual rings

Autumn wood

  • Dark in colour

  • Higher density

  • Smaller and
    narrower vessels

  • Abundant
    tracheids and

Spring wood

  • Lighter in colour

  • Lower in density

  • Larger and wider

  • The wood formed during spring is called spring wood or early wood while that formed in winter is called winter or late wood.

  • These two types of wood appear together as concentric ring known as annual ring in the transverse section of stem. A
    sharp contrast between late autumn wood and early spring wood makes the successive rings distinct even to naked eye.

  • The transition from spring to autumn wood is gradual but the transition from autumn wood to spring wood of next year
    is sudden.
    Dendrochronology is the science of dating and analysing annual growth rings of trees.

Heartwood and Sapwood


  • Also called alburnum.

  • Outer light coloured part with living

  • Used for conduction of water and
    mineral salts from root to leaf.

  • Less durable and susceptible to
    microbial (fungal) or insect attack.


  • Also called duramen.

  • Inner, dark coloured with dead cells.

  • Non-functional as vessels become plugged with tyloses, the parenchymatous ingrowths. Hence, the
    function is mechanical support only.

  • Strong and durable as dead cells are lignified and filled with antiseptic extractives as oils, resins, gums,
    tannins, aromatic substances, etc. Therefore, resistant to microbial attack.

Stem Wood

In older trees, the wood of stem gets differentiated into two zones : heartwood and sapwood.


Fig.: Vessels with tyloses



Sapwood surface


Growth rings

Inner bark
Outer bark


Fig.: T.S. of a tree trunk
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