Biology Today — December 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. In humans, which opening is guarded by sphincter of Oddi?
    (a) Opening of hepatopancreatic ampulla into duodenum
    (b) Opening of stomach into duodenum
    (c) Opening of oesophagus into stomach
    (d) Opening of bile duct into gall bladder

  2. When people visit high altitudes, at times they suffer from
    altitude sickness. It occurs due to
    (a) decreased proportion of oxygen in air
    (b) decreased efficiency of haemoglobin
    (c) decreased partial pressure of oxygen
    (d) excess of CO 2 in blood.

  3. Capacity of maximum expiration of lung after deep inspiration
    is called
    (a) vital capacity (b) functional residual capacity
    (c) total lung capacity (d) expiratory capacity.

  4. Which one of the following statements is true regarding
    digestion and absorption of food in humans?
    (a) Oxyntic cells in our stomach secrete the proenzyme
    (b) Glucose, fructose and amino acids are absorbed through
    intestinal mucosa with the help of carrier ions like Na+.
    (c) Chylomicrons are small lipoprotein particles that are
    transported from intestine into lymphatic capillaries.
    (d) About 60% of starch is hydrolysed by salivary amylase in
    our mouth.

  5. A small part of human lung
    where exchange of gases
    takes place is diagrammatically
    represented below. Select the
    option which represents labelled
    part (A, B, C or D) correctly
    identified along with its function.
    (a) C : Arterial capillary - Passes oxygen to tissues
    (b) D : Capillary wall - Exchange of O 2 and CO 2
    takes place here
    (c) A : Alveolar cavity - Main site of exchange of
    respiratory gases
    (d) B : Red blood cells - Transport of CO 2 as

  6. Identify the factors which dissociates oxygen from haemoglobin.
    (i) Increase in pCO 2 (ii) Decrease in H+ concentration
    (iii) Low body temperature
    (iv) Increase in pH (v) Low pO 2
    (a) (i), (ii) and (v) (b) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v)
    (c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (iii) and (iv)




  1. The first process in the digestion and assimilation of fats is
    (a) emulsification (b) enzymatic action
    (c) absorption by lacteals (d) storage in adipose tissue.

  2. Dental formula of man is
    I C Pm M I C Pm M
    (a) 2/2 1/1 2/2 3/3 (b) 1/1 2/2 3/3 2/2
    (c) 2/2 1/1 3/3 2/2 (d) 2/3 2/2 3/2 4/4.

  3. Although much CO 2 is carried in blood, yet blood does not
    become acidic, because
    (a) it is absorbed by the leucocytes
    (b) it combines with water to form H 2 CO 3 which is neutralised
    by Na 2 CO 3
    (c) CO 2 transport and blood buffers play an important role in it
    (d) it is continuously diffused through the tissues and is not
    allowed to accumulate.

  4. Cholecystectomy (removal of gall bladder) results in
    (a) gastric cramps (b) impaired fat digestion
    (c) reduced bile production (d) no appreciable change.

  5. HCO– 3 diffuses from erythrocytes to plasma during CO 2
    transport and in turn upsets the ionic balance momentarily.
    In order to maintain the ionic balance, Cl– pass into the
    erythrocytes from plasma. The process is known as
    (a) carbonation (b) bicarbonate shift
    (c) Hamburger’s phenomenon
    (d) Bohr’s effect.

  6. Food after getting churned in stomach is called
    (a) bolus (b) chyle
    (c) chyme (d) none of these.

  7. HCl of gastric juice
    (a) inactivates gastric amylase and activates pepsin
    (b) activates ptyalin and inactivates pepsin
    (c) inactivates both a-amylase and pepsin
    (d) activates both pancreatic amylase and pepsin.

  8. Asthma usually occurs due to an allergic reaction and is
    characterised by
    (a) pain in lungs (b) alveolar wall degradation
    (c) spasm in bronchial muscle
    (d) damage in diaphragm.

  9. Somatostatin which inhibits secretion of glucagon and insulin
    is secreted from
    (a) pancreatic polypeptide cells
    (b) delta cells of islets of Langerhans
    (c) Brunner’s glands of duodenum
    (d) argentaffin cells of intestinal glands. 
    Key is published in this issue. Search now! 

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